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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 6: Milton Figueroa vs. TJ Holman
Anand Khare

These players are both well known in the TCG world, with Milton in particular having had a great deal of success in Vs. System. Both Milton and TJ have one loss going into the sixth round. Milton won the die roll and chose the odd initiatives. Milton mulliganed, and TJ kept his opening four.


Milton kicked off the game with Tamaran and an unanswered Roy Harper ◊ Speedy. TJ missed on turn 2, as well, and Milton got to beat in directly with Roy and a fresh Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective. Turn 3 was Milton’s initiative again, and he finally missed; instead of recruiting a 3-drop, he used Optitron to discard another Tim Drake for Hank Hall ◊ Hawk. TJ recruited Medusa, Inhuman. Milton team attacked with all of his characters, and Roy and Medusa traded stuns. The endurance score in recovery was 49-41.


TJ began turn 4 with an Enemy of My Enemy for Kristoff Von Doom, Pretender to the Throne. He recruited Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius and flipped the Enemy of My Enemy face down. Milton recruited Terra. He set up with Tim protecting Roy and Terra protecting Hank, then passed. TJ flipped Doomstadt and sent Doom into Terra. Milton powered-up with Tamaran, but TJ had a power-up of his own. Milton exhausted Terra to stun Medusa, KO’ing his Optitron. He then played Betrayal to stun the attacking Doom. Reign of Terror bounced Roy and Tim, and neither player had further attacks. Medusa was lost in recovery as Milton’s lead widened to 49-34.


Milton hit his Garth ◊ Tempest on turn 5, while TJ recruited the previously-revealed Kristoff Von Doom behind the Doctor. When Milton attempted to declare an attack, TJ used Mystical Paralysis to exhaust Dr. Doom. Milton tried again, this time sending Terra into the 4-drop with Savage Beatdown and a Tamaran activation. TJ powered-up once from hand to force the stunback. Milton exhausted Hank Hall to play Removed from Continuity on Doom, discarding a card to get rid of all of TJ’s Dooms. Kristoff took down Hank, who was lost in recovery. Milton still led, 35-28.


On turn 6, TJ flipped up the previously revealed Enemy of My Enemy to discard Medusa for Darkoth. Next, he discarded Thing, Heavy Hitter to another Enemy to get Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom. Darkoth and Boris were recruited, and TJ passed. Milton recruited Hank with boost (failing to find Dove) and Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter. He formed with Roy in front of Terra and Garth in front of Hank. TJ sent Darkoth into Roy, and Milton played Meltdown from his resource row to replace a face-down resource. He powered-up with Tamaran once from hand, brick-walling Darkoth. Kristoff went after Roy, and pumps from Hank, Terra, and Roy himself forced the stunback. TJ used Boris to get Common Enemy, and Garth got to attack directly. Milton paid 3 to return Optitron to his hand, and that was the turn. Darkoth was KO’d in recovery, and Milton’s lead was now 22-11.


For turn 7, Milton used his Optitron to get Koriand’r ◊ Starfire, which he recruited. TJ played Thing, The Ever-Lovin’ Blue-Eyed Thing, and flipped his Common Enemy. Due to a rules misinterpretation, TJ thought that he could chain to Thing’s ability and have it still return all 3-drops; unfortunately, this was not the case. Facing a small army, TJ conceded.

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