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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 7: Mike Krumb vs. Cory Dawson
Toby Wachter

Due to tiebreakers, Krumb has a good shot at making Top 8 with a win here, while Dawson is essentially playing for more money. Both players are qualified for next week's Pro Circuit, and Dawson placed in the Top 4 of the first $10K in Philly. Krumb is playing Fantastic Four, while Dawson has a location heavy Mutant Nation deck that seems to defy the "Location Hate" rumors floating around the post-DC Origins metagame.

Game 1

Krumb started with Luke Cage, and Dawson had no two-drop. A third turn Thing, Ben Grimm followed, and Dawson flipped over Cerebro, which hit nothing. He had Sabretooth, Feral Rage on turn four, and Krumb had Wolverine, New Fantastic Four. Sabretooth went after Luke Cage, and Krumb reinforced. Dawson flipped over Negative Zone, and used it to KO Luke Cage. Signal Flare got Mr. Fantastic, Stretch on turn five, and he took a Fantasticar. Cerebro put Wolverine, Berserker Rage into Dawson's hand, and he played a Wolverine, James Howlett before flipping over Mutant Nation. Krumb's Wolverine attacked Sabretooth, stunning them both. Mr. Fantastic went after Dawson's Wolverine, and Dawson used a power-up after flipping over Lost City. Krumb added Have a Blast! to the chain, but Dawson had another power-up to make sure Wolverine got the Lost City bonus once. Negative Zone KO'd Krumb's Wolverine, and Dawson's Colossus came out just short of getting his bonus. Krumb played Invisible Woman, and gave her a Fantasticar.

Sabretooth went after Mr. Fantastic, and Krumb had Acrobatic Dodge ready. Dawson flipped over Lost City and had Avalon Space Station ready to go, allowing him to dominate combat and stun all of Krumb's characters while not stunning any of his own in the process. Krumb played Thing, The Ever-Lovin’ Blue-Eyed Thing on turn seven, and Dawson had Nightcrawler, Fuzzy Elf. Krumb's attack successfully forced through some endurance loss, but Dawson's board was too much to handle. Avalon Space Station brought back Wolverine, Berserker Rage, and Dawson had Professor X, World’s Most Powerful Telepath. On that attack, Dawson won the game.

Michael Krumb 0 – Cory Dawson 1

Game 2

Krumb had She-Hulk on turn three, and Dawson had the always-desirable Wolverine, Logan. He attacked into She-Hulk, and a power-up allowed him to stun her. Dawson played Rogue, Anna Raven and Krumb had Invisible Woman. Rogue went after She-Hulk, causing both characters to become stunned. Wolverine got past Invisible Woman, Sue Storm, and Acrobatic Dodge with the help of an Avalon Space Station. Krumb had the right answer in Have a Blast! but still lost a character during the recovery step. He came back with Mr. Fantastic, Stretch and gave him the Fantasticar, which allowed him to stun both of Dawson's characters. Dawson played Scarlet Witch, and Krumb had Hulk. Despite the early hiccup, he now had three characters to Dawson's one, plus the initiative. He used the opportunity to play Thing, The Ever-Lovin’ Blue-Eyed Thing, and Dawson got to work with Cebero, with Mutant Nation providing assistance. Wolverine, James Howlett, followed, but Krumb's characters were far too big to contain.

Michael Krumb 1 – Cory Dawson 1

Game 3

Krumb played She-Thing on turn two, and Dawson had Wolverine, Logan on turn three. Invisible Woman, Sue Storm added a little more to Krumb's side, and Dawson continued to play efficient characters with Sabretooth, Feral Rage on turn four. Two copies of It's Clobberin' Time let She-Thing threaten to stun Sabretooth, so Dawson responded with Lost City. Krumb used Have a Blast!, but Dawson had another Sabretooth to pitch. To make matters worse for Krumb, Dawson had the Avalon Space Station as well, causing Krumb to have nothing but a stunned She-Thing to show for his efforts. Dawson played Scarlet Witch, while Krumb had a fifth turn Mr. Fantastic, Stretch. Entangle slowed down Dawson's attack a bit, but Krumb was still far behind. Colossus made Dawson's board even more dominant. Once Lost City flipped over, the rest was academic.

Michael Krumb 1 – Cory Dawson 2

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