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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Deck Profile: Scott Hunstad
Enchante Chang

During Round 8, I decided to do a deck feature and interview. I wanted to feature a deck that was intuitive, new and has done well here today. Scott’s deck is interesting because other than GLEE-ATK, it’s the first real weenie swarm deck that attacks for the win without having Faces of Evil in the deck.


This is Scott’s list.



1 Mad Hatter

4 Sue Digby

4 Yellowjacket

1 Catherine Cobert

1 Oberon

1 Ted Kord ◊ Blue Beetle

2 Paul Ebersol ◊ Fixer, Problem Solver

1 Nathan Garrett ◊ Black Knight

1 Gargantua

1 Postman, Memory Thief

1 Maxwell Lord, Financier

1 Fatality, Emerald Assassin

1 Shocker

2 Booster Gold

4 Beetle, Armorsmith

1 Poison Ivy, Deadly Rose

1 L-Ron, Robot Companion

1 Melissa Gold ◊ Screaming Mimi

3 Dr. Light, Master of Holograms


Plot Twists

2 Enemy of my Enemy

2 Savage Beatdown

4 Justice League Task Force

4 The Wrecking Crew

4 Trial by Fire

2 Hard Sound Construct

3 Mega-Blast



1 UN Building

4 Birthing Chamber

3 Kooey Kooey Kooey


It looks like a very interesting deck. The thing about not having Thunderbolts is you actually have better low drops. The JLI guys are good here, because they were built for weenie swarm. What the deck can do is attack through opposing characters and if you have any left over, team attack with Justice League Task Force for extra damage just like Faces of Evil would do anyway.


I can see how the deck works and I am sure you have gathered how this deck works too, but the questions I want to know are: how Scott came up with it, why are some cards in here and others are not, and why he chose to play this deck.


Enchante(reporter): So who came up with the deck?

Scott: Me and my partner Paul (Van der Werk)


E: How did you come up with it?

S: It started with Faces. We both played Faces at Sydney and we had Fatality because she was new. Below 4. trial by fire. Ten teams . . kooey . . . sue digby, and booster gold. Almost as good with task force because you had so many more characters than your opponent. Postman for Total Anarchy, as well.


E: Why do you have single copies of certain cards like L-ron, Postman and the like?

S: Biggest problem is uniqueness, you want to have lots of different guys, you don’t want to have multiples even though they are great, like Poison Ivy and Fatality. Even though you want to play four of them, you just can’t. I had at one stage thirteen guys on the board and burnt my opponent for 13 with Screaming Mimi, it is just so good against the stall decks.


Enchante: I noticed that only you played this deck and Paul decided to play Brotherhood. Why is that?

Scott: We thought that New Zealand didn’t have as much access to cards and decks like Avengers and Squadron would be more prevalent, so the hate from Big Bro would win out. Unfortunately it didn’t pan out like that.


E: After playing today, would there be any changes to the deck?

S: Not really. I would have to think about it some more and clear my head before I can answer that question.


E: You ended up with a 6-3 record and missing out on Top 8. Because of that, would you have changed the deck you played or was it rather, change some of the plays you made?

S: No, I would play the same deck. I mean, the decks that I lost against were because I had half-hearted draws (Glock), they had amazing draws (Titans), like the Titans player played, Turn 1 Dove, Turn 2 Hawk, Turn 3 Panther and Tim with Terra on 4. I mean that’s the best draw they could have against me, their guys are better than mine, they have recurring Tamaran and then Terra to top it off. The other lost I had was against teammate Andrew Corney and his Sentinels Build was tuned to beat the weenie decks with Total Anarchy, Flame Trap, Mark I, System Failure and Betrayal which was essentially tuned to beat mine, so no, I would play the same deck, even if 6-3 doesn’t say it was great on the day.


E: Thanks, Scott, and have a safe trip home.

S: No worries, man.

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