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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 9: Alex Antonios vs. Scott Hunstad
Rob Davis

Typical. Just typical. Everyone thinks that we're going to have an Antonios-free Australian $10K, and what does he do? He convinces his mum and dad to let him come — yesterday, no less! So here we are again! Alex and Scott are facing off, just as they did in the last round of the Adelaide $10K — which was a limited $10K, proving that these are two very consistent, very well-rounded players.


Both players are 6-2 going into round 9, and again, this is a make-or-break game for both players. Alex and his brand new very "Melbourne"-esque, Ronald McTonios, Alex AnFROnios hairstyle has, so far, managed to bash back from a seemingly desperate situation of 0-2, winning the last 6 matches in a row to get into contention for Top 8. Scott is currently placed in 6th, and is going to prove a very tough match-up.


This one is going to be a photo-finish, guys . . .


A coin flip works in Alex's favor and, after much, much, much deliberation, he decides on Odds.


Turn 1

Scott starts off with an optimal turn 1 play of Electric Eve, while Alex is forced to pass on recruit.


A direct attack and a little double-evading and this match is off to turn 2.



Alex: 46

Scott: 48



Turn 2

Poison Ivy, Deadly Rose came out on Scott's side of the board, while San came out on Alex's — searching out a potentially game-breaking copy of Worldship in the process.


With no visible characters, Ivy and Eve were able to swing into Alex directly and, when Alex declared no attacks (with Ivy's 3 DEF proving problematic), Eve evaded twice once more.



Alex: 39

Scott: 46



Turn 3

A concealed Tonaja came out for Alex, while on Scott's side of the board Enemy of my Enemy (discarding Detective Chimp, Bobo T. Chimpanzee) ensured that Dr. Light, Master of Holograms would see play for Scott. The Doctor was promptly activated, bringing the Chimp into play, and Scott drew a card via a timely Birthing Chamber. Following, Scott paid 3 endurance to recruit a copy of Nightmaster, Jim Rook, who he used to protect his Dr. Light.


However, Alex had other plans. A Flying Kick on Tonaja gave Alex access to the essential Dr. Light, and Alex flipped his copy of Worldship (revealing Terrax — how much hate do you have to run in this format?!). With no options available to him, the stun resolved, and Worldship attempted to return the Doctor to Scott's hand. However, Scott made sure that Ivy KO'd the Dr. to get a copy of The Kent Farm and try to at least get some ground from this painful situation.


"I wouldn’t expect anything less from you, Mr. Hunstad," chortled Alex, who was clearly pleased to see the end of the Dr. (while keeping his own Tonaja).


San, determined to put an end to the double-evading, swung into Electric Eve. Sure enough, the 2-drop's 4 DEF proved impossible for Scott to deal with, and Eve was merely stunned and returned to his hand. With no ready attacker, play moved over to Scott who immediately paid 1 endurance to make his entire team join Superman's barnyard hot-pot. He then flipped The Kent Farm and Nightmaster and Detective swung in directly for 9. Tonaja gained a counter and played moved on to turn 4.



Alex: 30

Scott: 34



Turn 4

Scott started off his turn with a boosted copy of Yellowjacket. The amazing 1-drop found a copy of Beetle, Armorsmith, who in turn was promptly recruited — fetching a copy of Melissa Gold ◊ Screaming Mimi, Mimi Schwartz (and discarding Mr. Mxyzptlk, Troublesome Trickster). He then used his final resource point to recruit a copy of Electric Eve and then Birthing Chamber drew two cards.


Alex Terraformed a copy of The Great Refuge into his row, recruited a copy of Terrax, The Tamer, and the young Vs star flipped his Great Refuge to find a copy of Tonaja. A timely, free Frankie Raye ◊ Nova, Optimistic Youth attempted to slow down the game for Alex (discarding Tonaja). Alex then used Terrax to stun Nightmaster, who was bounced to Scott's hand. Yellowjacket attacked over Terrax and into Frankie Raye. The Masters of Evil 1-drop's 2 DEF proved invaluable for Scott as he was able to avoid trading stuns and Frankie Raye was bounced back to Alex's hand. Scott then paid 1 endurance to once again make his characters Team Superman affiliated and Electric Eve and Beetle team attacked into Terrax. When Alex stunned back on Electric Eve, Scott used Poison Ivy to KO the 1-drop to Ivy's ability and replace his Birthing Chamber with a fresh copy.


Ensuring that this game wasn't going to turn 6, Chimp and Ivy and a copy of Trial by Fire provoked a massive 14 endurance loss for Alex. With priority passing over to Alex, Tonaja then swung into Ivy for 7 and the incredible Arkham Inmates drop was bounced back to Scott's hand. Desperate to stunt Scott's combo, Alex played a copy of No Man Escapes the Manhunters on the Shadowpact simian. San attacked into the Chimp and a Flying Kick attempted to even up the scores (24 to 11) somewhat. Scott took the 6 endurance and was left with Beetle and Yellowjacket while Alex was left with Terrax, Tonaja and San.



Alex: 11

Scott: 18



Turn 5

In what would undoubtedly be the final turn for the game, Alex started off with a copy of Extended Family — teaming Heralds of Galactus and Inhumans. Alex discarded a copy of San to the ongoing plot twist and put a counter on his Terrax. A free Frankie Raye (discarding Lockjaw) came into play and drew Alex 2 cards when Karnak hit the KO’d pile in the process. Using his first resource point of the turn, Alex recruited Lockjaw in his hidden area and used it to search for a copy of Morg, Corrupt Destroyer (discarding a second copy of Extended Family), who was recruited behind Terrax. Scott started off the proceedings by returning Mxy to his hand. He then got things going with a copy of Detective Chimp, Bobo T. Chimpanzee in the hidden area. Nenora then came out in the hidden area (giving Scott fantastic reinforcement options), followed up by a free copy of Nightmaster (in front of Beetle), and then Scott paid 2 resource points to recruit Poison Ivy, Deadly Rose. With 2 resources remaining, he elected to recruit his Troublesome Trickster. A crucial copy of Hard Sound Construct brought Melissa Gold into play. Scott used his final resource to burn Alex for 8, and the scores were brought to a very dangerous 3 against 18.


Terrax swung over into Beetle, and Scott reinforced with Yellowjacket. (For those of you playing at home the scores are 3 endurance for Alex vs 13 for Scott). When Worldship triggered, Alex KO'd Beetle to Ivy and searched out a second Birthing Chamber. Frankie Raye then swung into Nightmaster and both characters traded stuns (scores are now 2 v 12). San (MVP of Melbourne $10K) did the 4 DEF shuffle once more, and swung into Mimi Schwartz without trading stuns (2 v 10). Morg then smacked down into Ivy and the scores became tied (2 v 2).


Lockjaw then swung into Mxy with a power-up to become a 3 ATK/2 DEF to Scott’s 1 ATK/1 DEF. Mxy became stunned, and Scott had to think for some time. Would he use Detective Chimp before he was brought down to 0 endurance? With a hidden Chimp and Nenora, the potential for The Wrecking Crew Craziness was still available to Scott (especially considering the 15 or so cards in hand). However, looking down the barrel against an 8 ATK Tonaja, Scott could only offer the handshake.


Scott later revealed that he only had one copy of The Wrecking Crew in hand, alongside a copy of Light Armor. He really needed to be able to stun both Alex's Morg and Terrax to even the scores, but with only a potential 4 ATK/1 DEF, Nenora and 3 ATK/1 DEF Chimp available to him, the win was just out of reach this time for Scott Hunstad.


Will Alex Antonios make it 3 straight $10K wins in a row? It seems like anything is possible at this $10K. Stay tuned as JRo brings on the thrills and spills of day 2!




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