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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 6: Andrew Corney vs. Randall Hughes
Enchante Chang

Randall won the coin flip and chose odds to start.


Turn 1

Optitron was Randall’s first play, fetching Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective. Corney had Chomin and bashed for 2.


Turn 2

Corney had nothing but Mikado and Mosha in the support row. Randall played the Tim Drake he got. Mikado then got Mega-Blast and shot Tim out of the sky, but not before Total Anarchy made sure that Tim wasn’t coming back. Chomin then got in again for 2. The score was 42-49 in favor of Corney.


Turn 3

Randall had Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal in the support row, and Corney had the huge Xallarap. Roy had nothing to do except attack into the dome of Corney; Corney, however, attacked Xallarap into Roy and then used Chomin’s ability to stun Xallarap and cause 3 endurance loss to Randall. The score was 28-42 in favor of Corney


Turn 4

Corney laid a resource but had no recruits and just passed to Randall. However, with no board, Randall could not recruit Terra, Tara Markov and instead used Optitron to get Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, which he boosted to get Dawn Granger ◊ Dove. Corney then attacked Dove with Chomin, and both were sent to the KO’d Pile—go directly to jail, do not go pass go, do not collect $200. Hank then had only one option and attacked to Corney’s face. 27-39 were the endurance totals in favor of Corney.


Turn 5

Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer was recruited behind Hank for Randall and Johnny Quick, Crime Syndicate for Corney in the visible area. Randall then team attacked into Johnny and got back Roy Harper with Garth before passing. Corney chose to stun Hank. Before Randall passed, he played Teen Titans Go! and then Death Trap on Johnny. 22-34 were the endurance totals; even though Randall was losing the endurance race, he was winning the character war.


Turn 6

Corney re-recruited Johnny and also placed Micro-Chip beside Johnny in the front row. Randall got back Hank, recruited Roy, and then boosted Hank. Before Randall passed, he tried to pump Roy with both Hank and Dove, but Corney responded with Wild Ride, getting Mikado, and then realized that she can only use discard during combat. Garth then exhausted to Roy; with 10 ATK, Roy tried to KO Johnny, but Corney responded with Matter Convergence and both players passed. Because Johnny was now in the hidden area, he had 10 ATK and could not be stunned by Roy. Finally, both players passed into the combat phase and Corney used his ability to flip down Mega-Blast. He then use it on Johnny, giving Johnny a massive 17 ATK. Before he attacked, he used Mikado on Dove; Randall responded with Foiled! on Total Anarchy, but Corney had another. Johnny finally got to attack Roy and got a boost with Flying Kick, and Randall conceded on the spot.


Andrew Corney Wins!

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