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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 1: Dan Bridy vs. Ryan Fee
Anand Khare
The first feature match of the tournament is between two Philadelphia natives, Dan Bridy and Ryan Fee. Dan is playing New Brotherhood and Ryan is playing Teen Titans.
Both players mulliganed their opening hands, and then Dan kicked off turn 1 with a face-down resource. Ryan followed immediately with Optitron for Garth ◊ Tempest, discarding Raven—the cat was out of the bag.
Turn 2 began in much the same way, with Ryan discarding Roy Harper ◊ Speedy to Optitron for Terra. Dan laid another face-down resource and played a Toad, and then attacked into Ryan's empty board. Toad became 7 ATK with the help of The New Brotherhood and a Savage Land, and the players proceeded to the next turn (50-43).
Dan led off turn 3 with a Rogue, Anna Raven and left both of his characters up front. Ryan played Hank Hall ◊ Hawk with boost. In the attack step, Toad traded with Hawk and Rogue smashed Dove (48-­­­33).
On turn 4, Ryan led with his Terra, an excellent card against The New Brotherhood's onslaught of small characters. Dan continued to make optimal plays, recruiting a Sabretooth, Feral Rage, discarding Scarlet Witch, Eldritch Enchantress. To start off his attack step, Ryan attacked Hawk into Sabretooth and used Savage Beatdown for the stun. Dan thought for a bit and let the attack conclude. After this, Ryan passed, electing to activate Terra rather than attack with it. Dan started his attacks by attempting to attack Terra with Rogue, who was predictably stunned. Toad gave it another try, and they traded. Dan recovered Sabretooth, and Ryan was left with only Terra (41-26).
Dan continued the beats on turn 5 with Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr, who he set up behind Sabretooth. At this point, Ryan spent a great deal of time considering his play—Magneto can be problematic for a deck that uses a lot of small characters. Ryan eventually recruited the Garth ◊ Tempest that he had searched for on turn 1 and put him behind Terra. Dan declared his first attack of Magneto on Terra. Ryan used Tamaran to power up Terra, and then discarded another copy of Terra to power up again. Finally, he used Garth to power up a third time. Dan used Savage Land to guarantee the stun, and Ryan reinforced. Dan then declared Sabretooth on Garth. Ryan had nothing, and the two characters traded, leaving Ryan with Garth and Dan with Magneto (32-12).
Ryan began turn 6 with his endurance at an uncomfortably low number, but Teen Titans is capable of some fairly amazing things when it has the initiative—especially when the opposition only has one character in play. Ryan decided that he didn't want to take any stun damage this turn, so he played Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective with boost. He then recruited Dove and said go, leaving Tim in front of Garth and Dove beside Tim in the front row.
Dan came out with a vengeance, recruiting Thornn, Toad, Phantazia, and Scarlet Witch, Eldritch Enchantress. With Scarlet Witch's effect on the chain, Dan flipped two copies of The Mutant Menace, bringing Ryan to 2. Still in response to the effect, Ryan paid 3 endurance to return a Savage Beatdown to his hand while he still had endurance left to pay for the effect. Scarlet Witch brought him to -5 endurance. Ryan kicked off combat by team attacking Phantazia with Dove and Tim, and then used Teen Titans Go! to ready them both. Dove then took down Thornn, and Tim took down Toad. Garth attacked Sabretooth, but Ryan's single Beatdown wasn't enough to overcome the 35-point endurance difference.
Dan Bridy wins!
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