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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 5: Eugene Harvey vs. Josh Wiitanen
Patrick Sullivan

Eugene Harvey and Josh Wittanen are two of America’s most recognizable Vs. System players. Josh hails from Las Vegas, Nevada, and is best known for his multiple $10K Top 8s and his close association with Titans master Adam Prosak. Eugene Harvey is on the short list of best American TCG players and was responsible for much of the design of the TOGIT X-Stall deck that took last year's PC LA by storm.

Eugene won the roll and took the odd initiative, and both players kept their opening four.


Eugene had nothing on the first turn, while Josh started with a very strong Pantha with Tamaran in the resource row. On turn 2, Josh recruited Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, signaling that he already had his curve filled out. Eugene played Puppet Master, which exhausted Dove, and then Josh attacked with Pantha with the help of Tamaran.


Eugene played Cardiac on the third turn, a card that has seen a lot of play against the off-curve filled metagame. Josh recruited the always feared Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal and set up with Pantha protecting Roy. Eugene had no attacks and used his Puppet Master to exhaust Dove. Josh then attacked Puppet Master with Roy Harper and passed to Eugene. Harvey let the attack resolve, and then Josh tried to KO Puppet Master with a Finishing Move. Eugene used a Swift Escape to save him and then used Cardiac to stun Pantha.


Josh had Terra for his turn 4 play, while Eugene recruited Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius, chaining his effect with a Mystical Paralysis from the resource row, aimed at Terra. Josh responded by flipping USS Argus, using it, and then replacing the Argus with Terra to stun Cardiac. Cardiac, in turn, shot down Pantha, who pumped Roy. Roy then took out the Doctor, and Josh sent Dove in directly, along with a Titans Tower (discarding Beast Boy) and another Tamaran activation.


On the fifth turn, Eugene started by playing Mystical Paralysis on Terra, who pumped Roy, and then replaced his Doctor Doom with a new one, flipping the Paralysis back down. Eugene then played Boris and displayed a savvy bit of rules knowledge at the start of Josh’s build—when Josh played and flipped USS Argus, Eugene played Reign of Terror on Roy before Josh got his resource points. That way, if Josh wanted to use Roy in response, Josh would only get 4 resource points for the turn. This is exactly what happened, as Josh shot down the Doctor with Roy before recruiting Red Star. Eugene then used Boris to fetch a Pleasant Distraction, which was pointed at Red Star, and play went to the sixth turn.


During his build, Josh replayed Roy, which Eugene responded to with a Paralysis on Red Star. Josh completed the other half of the team by recruiting Hank Hall ◊ Hawk. Eugene played Faces of Doom, fetching his third copy of Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius, and then used Boris to get Reign of Terror. Eugene again played Doctor Doom, turning his Paralysis down, and used his Reign on Roy Harper, which resolved. He then exhausted Terra with a Mystical Paralysis. Josh sent Dove after Doctor Doom with some help from Titans Tower, taking the Doctor down. Hank Hall then came directly, with a pump from Tamaran. Time was called in the round, and Eugene couldn’t muster nearly enough on the final turn to recover from his massive endurance deficit, since so much of his game had been spent replaying Doctor Doom and Mystical Paralysis.


Josh wins 1-0.

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