The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017
While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Marvel Team-Up Preview: Super Skrull, Kl’rt - February 02, 2007 |
In the comics, Kl’rt (the real name of Super Skrull) was created to destroy the Fantastic Four, who had previously thwarted the Skrull Empire’s attempt to conquer Earth.
Hellboy Preview: Something is Coming - January 14, 2007 |
The Thule Society doesn’t have a Hellboy in their midst, but many of their effects benefit from or require Hellboy to be effective.
Teaming-Up for a Crisis - August 02, 2006 |
We are now adding the team format to the official tournament rules; at the end of this article is an excerpt from the new official policies document, which will be out very soon!
Fan Card Crossover! - February 23, 2006 |
Now we’re giving you, the fans, a chance to have your ideas contribute to an actual Vs. card!
The Light of Draft- Willpower - June 27, 2005 |
A draft is very similar to an auction—you use your bid (your pick order) to determine how important a card is for you.
Gamer for Life: PC: Indianapolis and Deck Styles - August 25, 2004 |
Seeing the incredible diversity in the decks that were present at the Pro Circuit was very satisfying. Those who are claiming that the format comes down to a few decks should examine the metagame breakdown from the event coverage.
Gamer for Life: I Come from the Land Down Under - August 04, 2004 |
I'm TBS. This used to stand for "The" Ben Seck, but over the years it has transcended its original meaning amongst gaming circles to become just a nickname. Sure, I would prefer to have a cooler nickname, such as Dr. Light, or maybe Blastaar . . .
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