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Card# MTU-017

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$10K Madrid
Metagame Staff

Jose Maria Aramburu wins $10K Madrid!

He probably won’t completely appreciate it until he’s had a few hours to sleep, but he sure did smile for the photos. It was a long final match after a long Top 8, ending a very, very long day of tough Vs. matches.

The story of the tournament was surely Jose Maria Aramburu’s incredible KO’d pile recursion deck (apparently called “The Brotherhood of Mephisto”). More than one opponent left the table unsure of what had just hit him. Jose won games in ways that defied explanation, and most amusingly, all of his opponents had to read most of the cards.

His opponent in the finals was Raul Gonzalez, whose Evil Medical School deck made the Top 8 after beating the only other two Evil Medical School decks in the tournament.

The whole Top 8 was filled with long and technical games, and by the end of the day, everyone was eager to see someone lift the cup. The finals were no exception. Still, at the end, there was little Raul could do.

Like Ben Shonle’s deck last week, there was nothing anyone could do to stop Jose’s new deck. “Brotherhood of Mephisto” showed us once again that in Vs. System, sometimes seeking the path less
is the best idea.


Omar Rohner
 Jose Maria Aramburu
Jose Maria Aramburu
 Jose Maria Aramburu
David Carvajal
 David Carvajal
Mario Tarin
 Jose Maria Aramburu
Raul Gonzalez
 Raul Gonzalez
Ignacio Martin
 Raul Gonzalez
Miguel Tarin
 Paul Oribe Eneko
Paul Oribe Eneko


All the decklists from $10K Madrid!
In the end, it will come down to a fight for the big guns. Mephisto, Soulstealer’s ability is particularly useful against a boosted Dr. Light, Arthur Light, and all of the Evil exhausting characters might just be enough to contain Aramburu’s monsters.
There’s no two ways about it—Aramburu’s homemade deck is the talk of the tournament.
Omar Rohner is packing The Brave and the Bold, while Jose Maria Aramburu . . . well, you could say he’s a huge fan of the Marvel Knights set.
Check out the top 8 decklists!
Eight Spanish players are ready to battle out for the first $10K ever held in Spain.
You can’t find a more intense conflict than that of brother against brother.
Hopefully, the Deities of Pairings will help us out and give us a Tarin mirror match before the day is over.
Which of these players will feel the bitter taste of defeat for the first time in $10K Madrid?
Here are the answers to our small language quiz.
I did it at $10K Bologna and couldn’t do it at $10K London, but Spain gave me another chance to play a game I like to call “Guess the Card.”
With round five just finishing, it’s time to take a look at the few players who survived the first half of the tournament without a scratch.
We are always drawn to new, neat ideas, even if most of the time they fail to hold up against the established decks.
As far as I could tell from the huge pile of decklists, here are all the archetypes that are represented by more than one player at $10K Madrid.
A first walk through the top tables painted a scary picture for the staff and players—this is shaping up to be a very long day.
It wouldn’t be a Spanish event without some local coverage.
Welcome to sunny Madrid!
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