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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 3: Chris Kwan vs Alex Antonios
Rob Davis
Alex won the coin flip and elected to take evens.

Turn 1
Both players kept their opening hands. They each simply laid a resource and went on to turn 2.

Alex: 50
Chris: 50

Turn 2
Alex played Poison Ivy, Deadly Rose in the front row and passed. Chris played Kyle Rayner, Last Green Lantern, who fetched out a Chopping Block, and passed. Alex simply swung into Kyle, forcing through 3 endurance loss.

Alex: 50
Chris: 47

Turn 3
Chris played the recently errata’d Dr. Light, Master of Holograms, and played the Chopping Block on Kyle Rayner.  Mad Hatter came out behind Ivy, and then one resource point was paid to steal Kyle Rayner. Chris thought for some time before playing The Ring Has Chosen, so as to maximize the four willpower he had available while he still had the opportunity. He settled on Oliver Queen, and discarded Salakk. Kyle then moved over to join the Inmates in the back row. Dr Light was forced to swing into Kyle (to play around the Chopping Block).

"I was debating whether or not to put it on him! I wanted to get rid of Ivy," said a somewhat concerned Chris Kwan.  Alex simply passed and took the 3. He then played Straight to the Grave, searched out Anne-Marie Cortez, and sent her to the KO’d pile. Ivy then KO'd the stunned Kyle Rayner and KO'd the face-up Straight To The Grave to retrieve a Metropolis. Slaughter Swamp was then flipped to put Anne-Marie Cortez into Alex's hand.

Alex: 45
Chris: 44

Turn 4
Before laying a resource, Alex started the turn by playing Straight to the Grave to get Adam Strange into his KO pile. The Swamp was then used to bring it back to his hand. It was clearly meant to be used as a resource for Anne-Marie. He recruited Anne-Marie and passed. Chris recruited his previously fetched Oliver Queen, and then used Dr Light's incredible ability to return Kyle Rayner to play. Rayner searched out the essential Rain of Acorns. At the start of combat, Anne-Marie's ability triggered, forcing an Entangle from Chris. He used Oliver Queen to exhaust Poison Ivy.

Adam Strange was revealed, and they moved onto the attack phase. The Metropolis was flipped, teaming up Arkham and Brotherhood. Alex sent his Anne Marie into Oliver Queen. Both players passed, and Chris took 6. Alex then played the impossible-to-find Enemy of My Enemy to search out a copy of Harley Quinn. The Mad Hatter went into Dr Light and Lost City was flipped. As a 4 ATK/5 DEF character, the Arkham Inmate was looking pretty good. However, Chris had the necessary pump, and caused the attack to bounce at a particularly crucial time. Kyle then attacked the Mad Hatter. Once the attack was legal, Alex elected to KO the Hatter to Poison Ivy and put Avalon Space Station into his resource row. He netted himself two character cards, and passed to recovery.

Chris: 38

Turn 5

Chris recruited Katma Tui into the front row and used Dr. Light to get Salakk back into play. Alex had Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff (perfect for punishing players who use Dr. Light) join his eclectic team, and he set her in the back row. Chris sent Katma Tui into Poison Ivy, and both players passed, with Alex taking 5. The players realized that Anne-Marie's ability hadn’t been used, and a judge was called to make light of the solution. When both players agreed (without argument) that start of combat hadn’t been officially declared, Alex was allowed to rewind the decision and reveal Adam Strange. Rain of Acorns was flipped by Chris, allowing Oliver Queen to exhaust Anne-Marie and Salakk to exhaust Scarlet Witch. Kyle Rayner attacked into the Witch, and Chris passed. Chris Clearly wanted the Green Lantern to die. Kyle was not recovered and sent to the KO pile. Alex got some more card advantage out of Avalon Space Station, and both players moved to recovery.


Turn 6
Alex played a new copy of the Mad Hatter, who promptly tried to steal Salakk. Chris, however, paid 2 endurance and used Oliver Queen to KO his own character! With three resource points left, Alex recruited a copy of Mammomax into the front row. Chris then played Sinestro, Green Lantern of Korugar and recruited a Catchers Mitt onto the very beefy Katma Tui. When Anne Marie's ability triggered at the start of combat, Chris used Entangle to exhaust Scarlet Witch with his Sinestro. The 2-drop Adam Strange was revealed, and the players moved on to combat.

Alex started off his attacks with Mammomax swinging into Oliver Queen. Both players passed, and with all his characters reinforced, Chris took 4 endurance to Alex's 3. Anne-Marie Cortez then attacked into Sinestro. With the Avalon/Lost City engine online, Alex was able to power-up twice and make her 14 ATK/13 DEF. With his character reinforced by the Mitt, Chris could only pass and lose 6 endurance.  Ivy attacked into Kyle Rayner, and Alex passed. With no Cover Fire, Chris simply chose to exhaust Katma Tui and Kyle Rayner to gain 5 endurance. During recovery, Chris elected to recover Sinestro.

Alex: 22
Chris: 33

Turn 7

Chris flipped up a long overdue Book of Oa and looked at the top three cards of his deck. Black Hand was discarded to the book, and then Dr. Light brought him back into play, setting up his turn for massive endurance gain. Chris recruited the quintessential Guy Gardner, Egomaniac in the front row. Genosha was KO'd on Alex's side of the board, netting him even more cards. Realizing Chris's mistake, he used Mad Hatter to steal Black Hand.

"Maybe I can gain an endurance with Black Hand!" Alex exclaimed. Always in good spirits, Chris could only acknowledge his mistake. Alex recruited Blob, Fred Dukes and passed. At the start of combat, Strange was revealed, yielding no response. Chris used his remaining three readied characters to exhaust the unprotected Mammomax, Blob, and Anne-Marie Cortez. Alex thought for some time before Scarlet Witch attacked Dr. Light for 3 endurance. A potentially game-winning copy of Kaboom was flipped by Alex, targeting Chris's Book of Oa. "Ah! Bad mistake!" exclaimed Chris, realizing that time had been called. Alex gained one endurance from Black Hand before KOing it to Poison Ivy and fetching himself another Avalon Space Station.

Alex: 14
Chris: 29

Turn 8
Alex started the turn by playing another Enemy of My Enemy. He discarded Harley Quinn and searched out Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr. With a resource point remaining, Alex had no-one for Mad Hatter to target, and simply passed to Chris's recruit step. Chris played the unconventional The Phantom Stranger, Wandering Hero, which yielded a hearty "What the?!" from Alex. Chris had to think for some time about whether or not to use Dr. Light's ability, and after doing some quick math, realized that it was not in his best interest.

At the start of combat, Adam Strange was revealed, and Magneto's ability targeted the ready Dr. Light. Chris responded by exhausting both the Doctor and Guy Gardner to gain 5 endurance. Anne Marie, Mammomax, and the Mad Hatter all team-attacked into Guy Gardner, Egomaniac. Alex passed. With the exact 16 ATK needed, Chris could only pass, and all three of Alex's attackers were stunned via Sinestro. Blob attacked Sinestro, and powered up twice to become a massive 12 ATK/15 DEF. Chris could only gain 5 endurance before Sinestro was stunned.

Magneto attacked Katma Tui with a power-up to become  12 ATK/12 DEF.
Chris used the Phantom Stranger to gain 5 endurance, and then Katma Tui was stunned for 5 herself. "Is there any random card that you could have?!" said a clearly excited Alex. "Another Catcher's Mitt?" Regardless, Alex decided to attack his Scarlet Witch into Dr. Light, and played his final power-up. With Katma Tui stunned, and the Catcher's Mitt offline, Alex was able to deal exactly the 11 points of endurance needed to take Chris to zero.

Alex: 20
Chris: 0

Alex Antonios takes Arkham/Brotherhood to another victory! But, as always, Chris manages to finish the game with his spirits intact.


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