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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 8: Yu-Ming Mo vs. Milton Figueroa
Anand Khare

We’re staying at the top of the standings for this round. Yu-Ming is the tournament’s only undefeated player at this point, and I’m wondering if he can keep it up. He certainly got off to a good start, winning the die roll and choosing the odd initiatives. Oh, a note: The fast pace of this match didn’t provide much time for me to take pictures, so I had the players photograph each other. You can judge the results for yourself.


Yu-Ming started with Mikado and Mosha and Surprise Attack. Milton had Roy Harper ◊ Speedy to take care of it. On turn 2, Milton replayed Speedy; Yu-Ming had another Surprise and a King Snake. Speedy was used again to get rid of the Snake, and play moved on.


Yu-Ming had the predictable Black Panther, King of Wakanda with Advanced Hardware for turn 3, while Milton had a boosted Hank Hall ◊ Hawk for Dawn Granger ◊ Dove. He kept both of his characters in the support row, and Yu-Ming chose to burn rather than attack.


On turn 4, Milton led with Terra. Yu-Ming had Deathstroke the Terminator, Lethal Weapon behind Black Panther. Milton went into the tank at the start of combat. Milton played Meltdown on Advanced Hardware, then took down Black Panther with Terra. Milton tried to Betrayal Yu-Ming, but he countered with Die for Darkseid. Milton team attacked with Hawk and Dove, and Yu-Ming had Mikado to stun Dove and brick-wall. Deathstroke attacked back, stunning Terra. In recovery, only 4-drops were left, and Yu-Ming led 40-14.


Yu-Ming began turn 5 with Enemy of My Enemy for John Henry Irons ◊ Steel. Steel picked up the Advanced Hardware and was set in front of Deathstroke. Milton played Optitron and discarded Speedy to pick up another Hawk and Dove duo. Milton set up with Terra protecting Hawk, and then passed. Yu-Ming declared Steel into Hawk, and Milton responded with Betrayal. Deathstroke was stunned. Dove reinforced Hawk, and Terra was exhausted for Removed from Continuity on Deathstroke. At the end of the turn, Yu-Ming led 37-8.


Milton flipped and used USS Argus at the start of turn 6. He then recruited Koriand’r ◊ Starfire and passed. Yu-Ming played Enemy of My Enemy for Golden Archer, which he recruited with two cards remaining in his hand. He played another Enemy from his hand for Ape X, and Ape X got Flamethrower. Yu-Ming attempted to recruit the equipment onto the 1-drop, and Milton thought for a minute or two before allowing it. Yu-Ming set up with Ape protecting Steel and Golden Archer in the front row, then passed. Milton sent Koriand’r into Golden Archer, and Yu-Ming burned Milton for 6 before allowing the stun. Milton sent Hawk and Dove into Ape, and Yu-Ming used Flamethrower. Milton exhausted Terra to stun Ape, and in response, he played Press the Attack on Koriand’r. Ape was stunned, and three of Milton’s characters readied. Koriand’r attacked Steel with a Tamaran; Yu-Ming burned before KO’ing the equipment to power-up. Dove and Hawk attacked directly, and another Press allowed Koriand’r to attack yet again. And . . . Milton was 8 points of endurance short. Yu-Ming will continue as the only undefeated player in round 9.

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