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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 8: Andre Klein vs. Tarik Al-Bacha
Jason Grabher-Meyer

Klein won the roll and opted to begin the game with the initiative. He kept his opening hand, but Al-Bacha opted to mulligan.

Nothing happened on turn 1, and it looked like turn 2 would be the same until Klein came out swinging with Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective. The Boy Wonder took a swing at Al-Bacha and was quickly joined by Dove and Hawk on the next turn. The pair took out Al-Bacha’s lone Mystique and Tim Drake again smacked Al-Bacha directly.

Some hope arrived for Al-Bacha on turn 4, as Merlyn hunkered down behind Mystique and was quickly fueled by Avalon Space Station and Lost City. He sniped off Dove, sending her to the KO’d pile.  Mystique attempted to follow up with an attack, but was quickly taken down by Terra. Tim Drake and Hawk then attacked to avenge Dove, and after launching a Savage Beatdown they stunned Merlyn.  Al-Bacha lost Mystique.

Fresh off a USS Argus last turn, Garth joined the Titans on turn 5. All Al-Bacha could recruit was another Mystique and a copy of Talia. He searched out a copy of Metropolis with The Demon’s Head, flipped it to team up, and used it to Lost City Merlyn out of Garth’s range when he was attacked. Unfortunately for Merlyn, Garth was powered by the same Savage Beatdown that took him out last turn.

A third Savage Beatdown was played to force through a team attack on Mystique. Two power-ups put her well out of the way of a non-pumped attack, but the third Savage Beatdown was just too much. Terra took out Talia and Hawk swung directly. Klein lost Robin, but Al-Bacha lost all his characters except for Merlyn.

Al-Bacha attempted to recover. Recruiting Mystique, Shape-Changing Assassin, he again shielded Merlyn.  Klein made the classic move, recruiting Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal and then Hawk with boost, pumping Roy with the first Hawk. Merlyn look to attack but was taken out by Roy Harper. Mystique attacked into Garth, but Dove quickly made a Heroic Sacrifice.  Neither player lost a character, but Klein lost a resource while Al-Bacha lost board control.

Turn 7 saw the return of  Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective to the Titans ranks. His boost put Al-Bacha in a tough positionwithout a Tower of Babel it would likely be over. He recruited Magneto, Master of Magnetism and passed. Terra, Roy, and Garth team attacked Mystique and took her down.  Dove, Hawk, and Tim Drake then attacked Merlyn. Teen Titans Go! readied every Teen Titan character on the board, and all six then attacked to stun Magneto. The endurance loss that resulted was just enough to end the game, winning the match for Klein.

Match Win – Klein

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