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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Risk Vs. Reward: Suicidal Sanitation Stories
Rian Fike


There are some jobs that nobody wants to do. Ratcatcher has one of those jobs. He risks his life for the rest of us. No one else wants to go down into the sewer, and no one else wants to spend all day killing rats. In this game, no one else can reward us like Ratcatcher does- we benefit every time a character is stunned.

This risky strategy involves sacrifice. We sacrifice character size for the greater good of the deck. We sacrifice traditional play methods for an unusually satisfying victory.
Ratcatcher knows all about this. Most strategies in the Vs. System try to prevent characters from getting stunned. Ratcatcher is different. He loves it when characters get flipped, even when they’re on his side of the table. Ratcatcher is crazy-
you can see it on his face. Actually, we can’t see his face, but why do you think he’s an Arkham Inmate? He gets paid 1 endurance point for every character that gets stunned by his poisonous gas. Ratcatcher’s even paid when he himself gets stunned. He wants to see a stun-fest

and doesn’t care how it happens.


There are many Vs. System players who strive to win with hordes of small characters. In the world of trading card games, these small characters are often called weenies. Weenie decks win with swarming Davids instead of big Goliaths. Weenie decks give their players a special satisfaction by using pipsqueaks to topple giants. When weenie players first pulled Ratcatcher from their packs of DC Origins, they got very excited. Finally, they could take immediate revenge for a swarm of Flame Trapped weenies! When these players pulled their first Last Laugh, they laughed maniacally. I know because I’m one of them. It sounds like Ratcatcher is, too. His flavor text says, “My writhing, hungry horde will gnaw the meat from your bones!”

When I read that, I immediately started sniffing around the Internet for Otis Flannegan. This was my kind of character, and I had to know more. Here is what I discovered about
Ratcatcher. I found out that the 1 point of endurance loss that Ratcatcher deals to the opponent is not payment for his poisoning. The 1 endurance is lost because his army of trained rats is chewing on the ankle of the stunned character. Creepy . . . yet strangely inspirational.


At that point, I realized how much Ratcatcher would love to work with Wild Sentinels. They could be his robot rats. Here’s what developed, with the help of Chad Brunner and all my other Sentinel-loving kinsmen at VsRealms.com. We called it . . .


Laughing Lemmings

14 Wild Sentinel
14 GCPD Officer
4 Longshot
4 Ratcatcher
4 Senator Kelly
2 Alfred Pennyworth

4 Last Laugh

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