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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 6: Michael Bonus vs. Bobby Rana
Rob Davis

Both Michael Bonus and Bobby Rana hail from Melbourne, Victoria. Bobby is playing an extremely innovative Shadowpact build that focuses on endurance manipulation and Fate Artifacts. His friend, Michael, decided to play a version of TDC Stall that has been garnishing very solid results all around the tournament today. The two friends were clearly frustrated about being matched up against each other, but their high spirits were apparent when they decided to not even bother with a dice roll. They both knew that Bobby wanted evens and Michael wanted odds.

Turn 1
Michael laid a resource and passed. Bobby recruited a copy of Madame Xanadu and then activated her to search for a copy of Divination.


Turn 2
"This is the optimal hand!" exclaimed Bobby as he flipped over Chimp Detective Agency and found himself a copy of Witchfire. Ape X, Xina was recruited into his front row and fetched Cloak of Nabu, which he elected to keep in hand.
With his last resource, Bobby re-recruited Madame Xanadu in the back row. When Michael played Puppet Master, both players passed and moved on to turn 3.

Bobby: 47
Michael: 50

Turn 3
Michael used Worthington Industries to put a copy of Gambit, Remy LeBeau into his hand. He recruited Poison Ivy, Deadly Rose behind Puppet Master. "This is going well for me," smirked Bobby to his fellow Victorian, realizing that Michael had missed the crucial Dr. Light, Master of Holograms. Bobby used the Chimp Agency to net himself a copy Rose Psychic. However, it was clear that she was going to stay in hand when he played a copy of Conjuration and recruited Witchfire into his back row! She recieved a Helm of Nabu, as well as the Cloak, to become the most enormous 3-drop the game has ever seen at 9 ATK!

With only Puppet Master and a back-row Ivy at his disposal, Michael had to pass his attack step. Both players moved on to Bobby’s attacks. Bobby sent Witchfire into Puppet Master, flipped up a copy of Absolute Dominance, and passed. Michael could only activate his Puppet Master (causing Ape X to exhaust) before taking 9 endurance loss. Puppet Master was removed from the game, and with no other viable attacks, the players moved onto turn 4.

Bobby: 26
Michael: 41

Turn 4
Bobby used the Chimp Agency to retrieve a copy of Detective Chimp, Shoeless Gumshoe and then promptly used it to search for a copy of June Moon ◊ Enchantress, Good Witch. He flipped up a copy of Dr. Fate’s Tower and found himself the missing link—Amulet of Nabu. The Amulet was recruited to Witchfire. Michael played a copy of Straight To The Grave but it was trumped by a copy of The Conclave. When Michael played a second Straight to The Grave, Bobby negated it again with a second copy of The Conclave! The costly plot twist definitely paid for itself, however, when Michael could only recruit a very sub-par copy of Gambit (especially considering that Bobby had two 4-drops in play) next to Ivy in the back row.

Bobby used Madame Xanadu to search for a copy of Spectral Slaughter. He played Silver Age's answer to Flame Trap to stun Poison Ivy and remove the possibility of reinforcement, and then sent Witchfire into Gambit. Against the 12 ATK character, Gambit was clearly outclassed, and Michael took 10. Bobby gained 4 endurance via Witchfire's ability, greatly widening the endurance gap. June Moon attacked directly for 7, and Bobby passed. Michael could only gain 4 via X-Corporation before recovering Gambit and moving on to turn 5.


Turn 5
When he failed to find a character with Worthington, Michael was forced to recruit his only character in his hand—Jean Grey, Telekinetic Fighter—to the front row. Bobby used the Chimp Agency again, bringing him down to a very dangerous 14, and found himself another copy of Rose Psychic. Realizing that recruiting Rose could cost him the game if Gambit was able to stun her, Bobby simply elected not to recruit.
When Michael had no attacks, Bobby used June Moon to stun the 2-drop. In a repeat of turn 4, Witchfire attacked into Gambit, and without any kind of relevant plot twist, Michael was forced to take 10. Michael used X-Corporation again to tie the life totals at 18 apiece.


Turn 6
When Worthington again failed to find Michael a character, he was forced to play yet another copy of Straight To The Grave. It successfully resolved and Gorilla Grodd was sent to Michael's KO’d pile. Avalon Space Station was flipped, and Grodd was recruited into the back row. "Let’s have some fun," said Bobby. With a 6-drop in play, he was now free to play Secret Origins and search for a copy of Dr Fate, Hector Hall. The Doctor was recruited into the concealed area, and all of the Fate equipments were transferred over to the 6-drop via Fate's tower.

Michael sent his Grodd into Bobby's June Moon. Bobby did some quick math, elected to pass, and took 10 damage. Gambit attacked into a now unequipped Witchfire, forcing a trade as both players passed. Grodd was attacked by the concealed Dr Fate and Michael took 10 endurance. During recovery, Bobby elected to keep Witchfire, Michael kept Grodd, and X-Corporation tied up the score.

Michael: 8

Turn 7

Bobby used another copy of Detective Chimp to search for a copy of Shazam.
Despite having the initiative, the two 2-drops in Michael’s hand simply couldn’t compete with the enormous ATK values of Bobby's Shadowpact characters. Michael simply offered the handshake, and both players started discussing the crucial turn 4 Conclave play.

Bobby’s SPC deck racks up another victory!

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