This past week, the much-anticipated Marvel TCG video game made its debut at E3! The multi-console game was announced last year, and anticipation has been building ever since. Gamers got their first chance to play Vs. System in digital form last week at the huge convention, and they weren’t disappointed.
Since its release, Vs. System has appealed to casual players, cutthroat competitors, and comic book aficionados alike. From what we’ve seen at E3, all these elements carry over to the video game. Different levels of play appeal to both casual and competitive players, and the storyline mode mimics flipping through inked pages to find out what happens next. Of course, what happens next will depend on the player!
The game will have an online component that will allow players anywhere in the world to square off. This will also allow players to participate in online tournaments! Online play will be cross-platform compatible, so you’ll be able to play against your friend on his or her PC with your PSP. If you have a Nintendo DS, you’ll also be able to find a game via its Wi-Fi connection.
The Marvel TCG video game will be released this fall. Be sure to revisit until then to find out the latest news on this exciting Vs. System event!
Toby Wachter
Managing Editor,
Pulp Arcade’s Press Release (with many images)
Game Trailer