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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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PC Indy Photo Page
Craig Gibson

$10K: Chuck Bell in the finals

$10K: Donald Noland: nice guy, serious competitor

$10K: Donald gets some information

$10K: Bell takes the title

$10K Champion David Bell!

Jason Dawson, one win away from a PC title

David Leader, up against his FTN teammate

The trophy and title are up for grabs

Dawson extends the hand

Finalist Jason Dawson

It's Clobberin' Time!

Scott Elliott presents the victor with the spoils

David Leader, PC Indy 2005 Champion

That trophy will really tie the room together

The holy grail!

$10K: Donald Nolan follows the $10K to the big stage

$10K Semifinals: Nolan vs. Bouchard

$10K: Quebec's Maximilien Bouchard

$10K Semifinals: Alex Smith vs. Chuck Bell

Top 8: Kristian Kockott

As we get closer to a champion, the crowd gets bigger

$5 if you can jump in and make the right play

Top 4: Rob Dougherty

Kolb gets a handshake

Top 4: Markus Kolb

Kolb defeats Dalton

Kolb gets props from fellow German Hans

One hell of a huge board

Top 8: Michael Dalton

Everyone protect Sinestro!

Dougherty defeats Spears

Top 8: Michael Jacob

Top 8: Dave Spears

David Leader, one match away from the finals

Kolb is carrying the banner for the Europeans

Semifinals: Leader vs. Kolb

Dougherty analyzes every detail

Dawson points out his next victim

How is this one going to end up?

A quiet consultation

Semifinals: Dawson vs. Dougherty

$10K: Donald Noland in the Quarterfinals

$10K: Colin Rodriguez

$10K: Quarterfinal Feature Match: Noland vs. Rodriguez

Tim can see the music

Dawson, sly as a fox

Michael Jacob rocks hats on his head...

Quarterfinals, Jacob vs. Dawson

Michael Dalton, no stranger to success

Eric Tice reaches for sweet, sweet caffeine

Markus Kolb is as happy as can be

Quarterfinals, Dalton vs. Kolb

Kockott awaits your next move

David Leader, with a hypnotic shirt

Quarterfinals, Leader vs. Kockott

Dave Spears plays down the southern stereotype

Rob Dougherty's middle name is "meticulous"

Quarterfinals, Spears vs. Dougherty

Railbirds line up, even early in the morning

"So I 3-0 my last pod and now you're making me do math?"

Kristian Kockott's one card hand was a bit of a stunner.

Kockott visits the tank

Neil Reeves's kick under the table hit just the spot.

Dave Spears makes the Top 8

Markus Kolb

Rob Dougherty

Michael Jacob

Dave Leader

Jason Dawson

Mike Dalton

Kristian Kockott

Smilin' Dave Spears

The PC Top 8

Drunk with success

Kyle Krueger

Aaron Breider

Maximillion Bouchard

Donald Noland

Colin Rodriguez

David Brucker

David Santos

Steve Horowitz

Chuck Bell

Alex Smith

The $10K Top 8

Dougherty is on pace to play tomorrow

Dougherty vs. Jacob

Vidi vs. Wiitanen, pure entertainment

Vidi vicious

Josh drew a spicy one

Of course the gab is going to fly

Michael Dalton searches his mind for the answer

Railbirds watch Reeves and Dalton

Reeves is hesitant

Lao considers his options

Michael Jacob at the final draft table

Ryan Dare sings soothing melodies to Doom

Hail to the king, baby

That's one impressive Extended Art collection

Scholarship Series winner Nicholas Van Gundy

Sweet green tin

Scholarship Series winner Tyler Spiering, with Bastion

Tyler strikes a pose

Games tend to break out anywhere

Prosak vs. Fiorillo

John Fiorillo

Prosak needs to 3-0 this draft to keep hope alive

Reeves, looking excited as always

Michael Jacob

Reeves vs. Jacob

The gaming keeps going

$10K: David Brucker

Passing the time between rounds

Anand Khare in full motion

Reinhard Blech, who has a 9th place PC finish to his name

Blech vs. Khare

Metagame's Patrick Sullivan leans back in his chair as the stage is tilted

That's one grand entrance for a baby

Germany's number one blue export

The obligatory Jack Sparrow guy, complete with wench

Four Masters of Evil = PAIN

Chris Coleman

Kory Walters

Don't make any loud noises. You'll startle them.

The Jelger.

Lao vs. Wiegersma

Lao is happy to be playing with draft decks

Dirty hippies and their cones

Learning Winx Club at the UDE booth

He looks the part, and I guess he's acting the part too

Sorry I had to crush you

Spidey and Thing go at it

The shuttle launch barely disrupted their game

Lining up to challenge the master

Devil with a blue dress on

Captain America, now with pillows


Batman is VERY bad at hide and seek

Rockin' out. On acoustic.

So, what's your stance on Free Trade and third world debt?

Jason Dawson's chin disappears

Gabe is happy to see you


Aspiring PC Champion

Top pair in the hole

Jason likes how this one turned out

$10K: The competition is fierce

$10K: Antonino misses day two, but games on

$10K: Brian Eugenio

$10K: Aaron Breider

$10K Feature Match: Breider vs. Eugenio

Jason Dawson is no stranger to the Feature Match tables

PC Finalist Michael Dalton

Dalton vs. Dawson (don't worry, we get confused too)

Hobos sleep by the comfort of the garbage cans

The low angle

Tats and smiles


James Lee mans the judge certification booth, shaping paragons of virtue

Stoll points out his aching molar, and Ted could care less

Alex Tennet

Gabe Walls in shock. Or yawning. Or not talking...not likely.

Tennet vs. Walls

Anthony Shaheen, with his eye on Sunday

Maik Stich, European Yankees fan

Yankees vs. Sox

$10K: Players rush to the pairings

$10K: Hardcore.

$10K: Antonino in the $10K

$10K: Wacky hats!

$10K: Andrew Veen and his 41 Superman Robots

$10K: Hah!

Rob Dougherty drafts as Knutson looks on

Neil Reeves, in his element

The first draft of the day

Paul Ross: Vs. judge icon, moonlighting as a spoken word poet

We have a Stormtrooper? Now it's a convention!

Marvel Super Hero Showdown, for hero battling in 3D

The cards that go along with the figures

World of Warcraft, soon coming in TCG form

There is nothing cooler than original art. Period.

Pushing and prodding to get through the hall

No leather? What kind of a costume is this?


Reeves is ready to TACKLE the competition! (Wow, was that bad.)

This is certainly not a top-heavy curve

Rob Dougherty, with his first draft deck of the day

Ryan Jones, looking for his third Top 8

The awesomeness that is a draft screen

Nick Little loves the camera, regardless of the lighting

Round 12 Feature Match: Alex Tennet vs. Nick Little

Alex Tennet

Alex Shvartsman, looking to end day one strong

Craig Edwards is comfortable in Indy after last year's performance

Edwards vs. Shvartsman

Vidi, always playing the trickster

Horvath, on the bubble

Horvath vs. Wijaya

Scholarship Series Champion Whitney Sitzler

Whitney will certainly bring the beatdown with her new deckbox case

Krempels knows the score

Krempels vs. Jones

Ryan Jones with that "come hither" stare

Dave Spears is on a roll

Ryan Lockard

Lockard vs. Spears

TBS, standing strong

Frayer is amused

Daniella Grijalva

The alternative to cute table mascots

Neil Reeves with the Astros throwback

Sundholm gets serious

Sundholm vs. Reeves

Slack vs. Yapjoco

Scholarship Series: Abacu Miranda

Scholarship Series: Whitney Sitzler

Craig Gibson, our wonderful photographer, wants your approval

Tim Willoughby, energetic and ready to go after thirty hours of traveling


One hell of a score for a game

Thumbs up to convenience

Ryan Hunt, the first ever Scholarship Series Champion

One of the many advantages of youth

Let's take a relaxed attitude towards work. The NY Mets are my favorite squadron!

Eugene Harvey, deep in thought

Ben Stoll

Harvey vs. Stoll from above

Booze tokens

Josh Wiitanen, probably saying something funny

Travis Keller

Keller vs. Wiitanen

The light at the end of the tunnel

The holy grail!

Plenty to choose from

JLA is coming!

He'll at least bring you peace when you lose

Antonino gets serious

Kim Caton

De Rosa vs. Caton

Battle of the Bald

Dave Spears

Reeves is braced for the worst

Harvey vs. Shvartsman

Alex is no stranger to the feature match area

It's already been a long day for Harvey

The Pro Circuit from above

Dan Bridy pouts

Frayer vs. Bridy

Frayer doesn't seem too excited about his position

Dave Spears, carrying the Realmworx banner

Horowitz stands out

Spears vs. Horowitz

Hanging out on the rail

Quebec's Team AttaQC

Duncan Tang, Feature Match Clown

Bulk Lao

Tang vs. Lao

Germany's Maik Stich

Dawson vs. Stich

The usual blurry-hand action shot

Mike Guptil is YOUR hero

All cozy in Batman's cape

Vs. System's first mother-son team: Theresa and Nicholas Van Gundy

The coolest nails in competitive TCG history

Adam Bernstein, still a champion

The Van Gundys and Falloutcards.com

Nick Little gives you the sad puppy dog eyes

Anthony Justice

Nate Price croons

Jerome McHale, on the other side of Metagame

Vidi rocks pink sleeves in his hand

David Brucker is all business, and he looks the part too

Round 4 Feature Match: Brucker vs. Wijaya

William Postlethwait

Postlethwait vs. Shvartsman

Alex Shvartsman, leader of the KGB (Kings Games Brooklyn, of course)

It's always a party when Sundholm is around

Let's all hope this is the start of a new trend

Sundholm vs. Oldaker

Oldaker sports "The London Gentleman"

The Thing gets in on The West Virginia 'Stache

He's still got his game face on

Fresh as a meadow on a spring morning

Rob Dougherty laughs at your weaknesses

An all-YMG Feature Match: Dougherty vs. Edwards


Creepy Sottosanti

Hans, poised to strike

Hoh vs. Sottosanti

A view from the table

Players shift into a higher gear as we get into the third round

Oa, that's interesting!

Monkey mascot

Nimrod defends the deck, in all his pink glory

Dice are nice

The happy couple (alternately: Awwwwww)

Trading war stories between rounds

Scary. That is all.

Call him "Lawrence."

As a nice little bonus, every player received these today (P.S.: Dr. Light is a hot one)

Hans gets the lowdown

Judges rush to the scene

Antonio, happy as always

Ryan Jones, plus haircut, sans facial hair

Round 2 Feature Match: Ryan Jones vs. Antonio De Rosa

No David, that's SIX cards in your hand

Dean Sohnle, forced to play without Fantastic Fun

Round 2 Feature Match: David Fielder vs. Dean Sohnle

Free Extended Art cards make players happy

You can go with this, or you can go with that

Sky blue is IN this weekend

If you want to be a non-conformist, you need to drink coffee

Registration is a breeze for Rune

Once a mild mannered card player...

Now a vicious Pro Circuit competitor!

Take my tears and that's not nearly alllllll...Australian Love

High society is in the hizzy fo shizzy

Home of the Pacers, Kurt Vonnegut, and many a Hoosier

Your PC Indy 2005 judges

I got more rhymes than you

Nate Price does a little turn on the catwalk. Yeah. On the catwalk.

Knutson gets the scoop from GWalls

"I'm playing your cards today!"

Ian Estrin is sad, and it's all YOUR fault.

Tatar rocks Strong Bad

Birthday Boy Alex Jebailey

Round 1 Feature Match: Alex Jebailey vs. Matt Tatar

Jason Green pops the thumbs up

Jason Hager, with ever-changing facial hair

Round 1 Feature Match- Jason Hager vs. Jason Green

David Bauer, fresh off a $10K win

Nick Little drew a spicy little number

Round 1 Feature Match- David Bauer vs. Nick Little

All buddies, all around

We get down to business

Alex Charsky, totalitarian as ever
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