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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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$10K Brisbane 2006
Metagame Staff
What a day it’s been, with unexpected results all around! In the quarterfinals, TDC Stall claimed victory over the favorite, High Voltage. SPC (Shadowpact Curve) made it all the way to the semifinals, and Andrew Morris' Glock build proved that Dr. Doom is the answer to the mirror match.

However, the biggest news of the day is Alex Antonius's amazing victory! Quite possibly the youngest $10K winner ever, Alex played incredible games all day to ensure that "Migga City" took the crown in an absolutely marathon finals match.

Congratulations to Alex Antonios, winner of $10K Brisbane!

Quarterfinals Semifinals Finals Champion
Alexander Antonios
  Alexander Antonios
Early Nguyen
  Alexander Antonios
Shaun Hayward
  Bobby Rana
Bobby Rana
  Alexander Antonios
Marvin Young Wong
  Paul Van Der Werk
Paul Van Der Werk
  Andrew Morris
Kakarot Turker
  Andrew Morris
Andrew Morris


Alex Antonios is a 17-year-old player from Sydney who is playing in his third ever $10K. The Yu-Gi-Oh! star has taken the Arkham/Brotherhood "Migga City" deck to incredible victories, and believes that the deck could go all the way today.
"I want to beat Migga City!" exclaimed Bobby as game 1 began. “I want to beat that deck!"
Alex Antonios is playing in his third $10K event, and is making his second consecutive Top 8 appearance.
"I'd totally dismissed Shadowpact," commented Shaun. They talked about the recent errata to unique equipment and the potentially devastating Black Panther/Punisher/Fate deck that almost was.
After yesterday’s Swiss, we are left with a Top 8 that represents both the old and the new.
Day 1
Brisbane has provided an amazingly diverse Top 8.
Check out the Top 8 Decklists here!
Check out the profiles of the Top 8 players right here!
When we came up with the initial build, we pitted it against Teen Titans, and it smashed them!
Both players desperately need a win to potentially make Top 8, although the matchup is clearly skewed in favor of the Titans.
We checked back in with some more players for their opinions on the new Crisis set, and what it means for the upcoming meta.
Two-Face’s ability went on the chain, and Dave responded by using Rogue to copy Puppet Master. Dave KO'd Psimon to steal Lindsay's Scarlet Witch. Lindsay responded with his own Grodd, and attempted to steal Terra.
The concept is to try to do as much burn as possible as quickly as possible, while maintaining a solid curve.
Bobby is playing an extremely innovative Shadowpact build that focuses on endurance manipulation and Fate Artifacts. His friend, Michael, decided to play a version of TDC Stall that has been garnishing very solid results all around the tournament today.
Paul responded by flipping Xavier's School, and with Puppet Master next to Professor X, Paul was able to activate Puppet Master again!
The release of Infinite Crisis has caused a definite buzz around the Vs. community.
"Maybe I can gain an endurance with Black Hand!" Alex exclaimed. Always in good spirits, Chris could only acknowledge his mistake.
We continue on with our Metagame interviews from earlier by checking in to see what a few more players have to say about this tournament’s meta.
Paul is a legend in Vs. System, and at this $10K, it looks like he wants to bump his infamy up yet another notch.
Shaun Hayward is making quite a name for himself in Vs. System.
We caught up with a few of the players today to get their opinions on the current meta, how they’re going to combat it, and what they hope to see from Silver Age in the future.
The players shook hands and started what looked to be a great day of Vs. System.
Welcome to sunny Brisbane!
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