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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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An Amazing Match
Mike Rosenberg
The new one-game format has, for the most part, led to faster rounds and faster tournaments, but there are exceptions to every rule. Preston Chinn and David Frayer provided the proof of that in round 8. 

Preston’s X-Men and Dave’s Fantastic Four Burn deck were locked in a mother of a battle when time was called on turn 6. The players completed the turn as instructed, but when the dust settled, both players sat at 12. Another turn was needed.

Preston had the initiative and managed to take David down to -27, but the Fantastic Four weren’t done, and their resulting attacks took Preston to . . . -27. David managed to hit Preston for 20 more endurance on turn 8, and the return attack did 20 also. Now the scores were -47 to -47. 

With each player coming into the round at 5-2, the loser would likely be eliminated from Top 8 contention. A crowd of thirty-some onlookers had gathered to watch the marathon, which went twenty minutes longer than any other match in round 8. Turn 9 saw Preston drop David’s life total to -69. Frayer’s corresponding attack did a mere 17, leaving Preston at -64—possibly the lowest victorious life total ever to occur in sanctioned play.

“I feel like I did something to throw it away,” Frayer said afterwards. It was a tough end to a tough fight for the Californian. He had nothing left to do but head to his next match—immediately.

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