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Crisis Interview: Part 2 of 2
Julia Birks

We checked back in with some more players for their opinions on the new Crisis set, and what it means for the upcoming meta.


What is the most powerful/best card in the set?
Hard to say—there are several very powerful cards. I'd probably go with Removed From Continuity. That card can really ruin the strategy of existing combo/stall decks.

What is the best team in Infinite Crisis, overall?
Again, it’s hard to say at this point in time. Other players I know seem to think Checkmate is the best team, but I still think Shadowpact is. Also, JSA looks really good.

What is the best Infinite Crisis team in draft?
It has to be a tie between Villains United and JSA. All four main teams are powerful in draft, though, if you know what you're doing.

What do you think is the chase rare in Crisis?
Well, the rares I really want aren't necessarily the rares everyone else wants. I'd expect everyone to want Absolute Dominance and Blinding Rage for Silver Age. At the moment, everyone I know wants The Science Spire.

Are you looking forward to Silver Age? What will be the benefits from Crisis?
Yes, but unlike other haters, I still love playing Golden Age. Crisis benefits Silver Age because it has slightly less powerful versions of cards from the Origins sets which wouldn't otherwise be legal for SA. For example, there’s Spectral Slaughter, June Moon, Absolute Dominance, Blinding Rage, etc. I can see a few of the teams from Crisis being competitive in Silver Age as well. Checkmate and especially Villains could be very competitive in a team-up deck, as opposed to being powerful by themselves.


What is the most powerful/best card in the set?
The Science Spire and Absolute Dominance are both in the running for best/most powerful card in Crisis. Absolute Dominance has the potential to keep Dr. Light out of the Meta, and I can see a lot of decks packing this card. Absolute Dominance is as good, if not better, than Total Anarchy. The Science Spire will definitely see play if Villains United proves popular. The Spire should make an impact, especially in the Silver Age format.

What is the best team in Infinite Crisis, overall?
As far as constructed goes I really haven't had too much of a chance to test with the new teams. Sydney players seem to be testing Checkmate and some Shadowpact decks, but I still think there is a Villains United deck lurking somewhere. It also seems that JSA should be competitive, but only time will tell. Doesn't really look like I answered the question at all! I really think they all have potential.

What is the best Infinite Crisis team in draft?
My early choice for best team was Shadowpact, but after playing in several Sealed Pack events and drafts, it became evident that they were not the powerhouse team of the set. Villains United gets the nod from me now, and I will generally try to force this team in a draft. I love all the characters’ Vengeance abilities, especially burn effects which can quickly provide a large endurance gap.

What do you think is the chase rare in Crisis?
This seems to have changed quite frequently since the release of Crisis. Blinding Rage seems like it is a bit of sleeper, and will grow in popularity. The Rock of Eternity had its time in the limelight but players are probably a bit skeptical about its success. Currently I think Removed From Continuity and Mr Mxyzptlk, Troublesome Trickster are the chase rares of Crisis.

Are you looking forward to Silver Age? What will be the benefits from Crisis?
I'm really looking forward to the first Silver Age PCQ in Australia. It's a whole other format to test and think up decks for. Crisis certainly seems like a powerhouse set, and I'm sure that at least two of the teams will make the grade in Silver Age.


What is the most powerful/best card in the set?
I'm a comic buff, and a DC one at that! Hands down, I'd have to say "Bizarro #1 am best, most powerfullest card ever printed." If you don't understand why that statement is true, you need to read more comics. Seriously, though; it hasgreat flavour text and an ability that captures the character and the card perfectly.

What is the best team in Infinite Crisis, overall?
I think Villains United will end up with that mantle. They are a good combat team with solid late game burn options. That always does well. Add to that a Midnight Sons-style engine that actually has “Team-Up" on the key card, and some solid splash characters like the new Fatality. I'll be surprised if they don't make an impact.

What is the best Infinite Crisis team in draft?
Whatever suits you for your particular drafting environment. Everywhere is different. Currently I favor JSA, because Villains United is so in-your-face strong that it is over-drafted. Also, a draft environment can only support one strong Checkmate drafter, and Shadowpact is very dependent on high-pick blue cards. I think that JSA is very deep and has a lot of neat synergies. They also have a lot of playable plot twists that are heavily stamped, so they stay in the pack very late. The result is that you can just concentrate on getting the best guys for your curve.

What do you think is the chase rare in Crisis?
Hard to say. Removed From Continuity, Blinding Rage and Absolute Dominance are the three big generics. I think if Silver Age becomes the dominant format, it'll be Blinding Rage, otherwise probably Absolute Dominance.

Are you looking forward to Silver Age? What will be the benefits from Crisis?
Crisis brings in a lot of substitutes for Golden Age staples that are important in the environment (subs for Total Anarchy and Savage Beatdown). With cycles like Calculator/Coercion, it’s clear to see that the designers are thinking of other sets rotating out in the future.

Infinite Crisis and Avengers are the Marvel and DC power sets of the format, so it's hard not to see them dominating for a while. I also think that this set brings in some much needed weenie hate and endurance gain into the mix. This makes me much more optimistic about Silver Age on the whole, as up until Crisis it was looking like rush vs. Glock. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been very different from Golden Age.

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