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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Interview: Jarrod Scriven
Enchante Chang
Jarrod Scriven is unquestionably the best player in Adelaide. This is apparent because he is the only person from Adelaide to travel to this $10K Auckland Event. Since he was staying at my house it was an easy at home interview with Jarrod.

How does it feel to travel across the Tasman for the Auckland $10K?
It wasn’t bad. I travell
ed to Japan recently so it wasn’t far.

This $10K is Sealed Pack—was it a reason it made you come?
Yes, because the next two $10K’s are Golden Age. I wouldn’t have travel
led otherwise.

Marvel Knights has been out for a long time. What Booster Draft strategy is the best?
Crime Lords is definitely the best, I think everyone knows this.

Sealed Pack is a lot different from Booster Draft. What types of cards do you want to open this weekend?
-ups, makes it so much more consistent and you die without them.

Why is Vs. System appealing to you?
Cause it’s better than Magic.

Who’s your favorite super hero or villain? Which superhero hasn’t been printed that you is your want to see printed?

Nightcrawler and Jubilee, respectively

Do you pretend you are the villain or superhero when you play Vs. and do you make gestures or sound effects when you play plot twists and power-ups?
I don’t pretend to be the villain or superhero, but I do make gestures depending on who I play. Most of the time, I just
say,Man, my power-up just savaged you!

To what do you attribute your success in Vs.?

I open lots of boxes, and I play at Infinity Games owned by Lee Copis and ran by Andy Deanovic. Oh, and they sell me the boxes.

Is it your circle of friends that keep you in the game?

No, the game is just so darn cool. I play about two hours a week, but if there is a PCQ I will play more.

Do you have any advice to young aspiring players?
Get a circle of friends
it just makes the whole process easier.
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