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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 6: Florent Jeudon vs. Nathan Patterson
Tim Willoughby

Florent is one of the more active French players on the Pro Circuit, and has had some success in various TCGs that he has turned his hand to. His opponent has slightly less experience, but this isn't something that can really be held against him, as he is just eleven years old. Don’t let that fool you, though. Nathan Patterson is one of the most precise Vs. players I have met in recent times, and he made the finals in his first tournament, a PCQ on Thursday in spectacular fashion. At 3-2 so far today, each player has had a slightly rough start to this event, but each is a pro who’s more than capable of bringing it back.


With the initiative, Florent led off with Ant Man, Scott Lang, while Nathan had Jarvis. After a brief tussle in the combat step, it was on to turn two. Wasp in the visible area set up some team attacking options for Nathan, while She-Thing was a sizeable beater for Jeudon. A team attack from Nathan took down Ant-Man, and a power-up meant that Wasp went down also, but Jeudon could not catch Jarvis, who fetched a Quicksilver, Mutant Avenger ready for turn three. With the initiative, Florent continued his trend of recruiting big characters with Thing, Ben Grimm, to his opponent's already revealed mutant. A flurry of attacks followed, in which the Fantastic Four proved to be more than large enough in a fight to give the Avengers some pause, and Florent led the endurance totals 45-36.


With the initiative on turn four, a serious Patterson made a serious recruit in the form of Iron Man, Tony Stark, who stood behind Quicksilver telling him what to do. Human Torch, Hotshot was the recruit from Jeudon, but he did not last long, as Nathan's team ran in for the team attack, with a little help from Legendary Battles. When Quicksilver then took down Thing, Ben Grimm, the turn was all but over, as Jeudon's remaining characters were hanging out in the back row, unable to attack. All that was left was for the Human Torch to recover.


Jeudon's turn five was somewhat busier than his fourth, as Mr. Fantastic, Stretch came out to play. An Antarctic Research Base ensured that the Frenchman would be drawing a card to replace Fantasticar and two copies of Advanced Hardware that he played on each of his characters bar Ant Man, Scott Lang. Nathan’s recruits were less complicated, but only slightly less powerful as he played Avengers Assemble! to find himself Monica Rambeau ◊ Captain Marvel.


Florent wasted no time in sending his 5-drop into his opponent's as with all of the equips on the board he felt pretty safe. He had forgotten about Iron Man though, and there was a trade. This mistake was not to be repeated though, and She-Thing took down the 4-drop. When Human Torch went for Quicksilver, it was an empty board for Nathan, and he would require a bit of work to get back from a 14–31 endurance deficit.


A stoic shake of the head came from Nathan on turn six as he surveyed his recruits. Wonder-Man did not look like a great play with only three face-down resources, and instead he went off curve on his initiative to make the most of Monica Rambeau’s ability. Jarvis, Quicksilver and Erik Josten ◊ Atlas were the recruits, along with a Thunder Jet for the Thunderbolts 2-drop. Jeudon seemed to approve of such a strategy, and elected to do something similar, with Invisible Woman, The Invisible Girl and She-Thing. He played a Fantasticar and a Flamethrower, using the Flamethrower on Invisible Woman before replacing her with a new copy. With so many characters out, and Fantasticars along with Advanced Hardware aplenty, it looked that in this match of England vs France, it might be the foreigner who would be victorious.


Before combat, Nathan flipped And Justice For All to team up, and Legendary Battles to ensure none of his team attackers would become stunned in the ensuing fracar. Erik Josten ◊ Atlas and Jarvis went for Ant Man in the hope of taking down one of the Fantasticars, but it was not to be, as Florent had A Child Named Valeria. Undaunted, Patterson used Monica Rambeau to ready his men. She then went into Human Torch herself, and with some help from Insert, he exhausted Mr. Fantastic before using Savage Beatdown to do massive amounts of breakthrough.


Unfortunately for Nathan, he couldn't manage to get enough breakthrough endurance loss through, and it was just a bridge too far.


Florent Jeudon wins.

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