Taking on the two-part tournament report is kind of tricky. First off, it means that you need to have a lot to talk about, meaning you have to retain a lot of information from throughout the weekend. In addition to that, pure strategy kind of turns into blurry lines after so much reading, so you need to give your readers a little something extra in the way of color if you’re going to expect them to come back. If they don’t, no sane editor is going to let you take on this kind of project again in the future.
The flipside is that you can present too much information in just about any article, be it tournament report or strategy. If you do this to the point where every single tidbit is included while ignoring the color aspects, the result can be an eight-part albatross hanging around your neck for years that people will constantly bring up as an example of writing as the art of the money grubber, regardless of whether or not it’s true. Try to find a balance in between: Say what you want to say, while asking yourself, “Would I really want to read that?” That should give you a pretty good guideline.
One good way to use color is pop-cultural references. My favorite Internet writer is Bill Simmons, a.k.a. The Sports Guy, a regular for espn.com. Simmons is gifted enough that he used to write for Jimmy Kimmel and a slew of others, so he obviously carries with him advantages most of us don’t, but a good part of what keeps me entertained while reading his work comes from the always funny references to Hoosiers, The Shawshank Redemption, the Karate Kid and other personal favorites. See, the Sports Guy uses these references to find a common ground with his readers. He’s smart enough to know that their subconscious reaction will essentially be, “I too have seen and liked the Karate Kid! Sports Guy is right, Ralph Macchio is the best!” setting off a chain reaction through which the reader can identify with him.
So, without further ado:
Eminem, Boston Red Sox, Spider-Man, Nelly, Survivor, Star Wars, Superman, Madonna, Britney Spears, Batman, Usher, Spongebob Squarepants, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Donald Trump, Beyonce, The Family Guy, The Simpsons, The Matrix, The Terminator, Michael Jordan, and Michael Jackson.
Well, maybe not Michael Jackson.
Now we’re all on the same page.
Due to my lack of understanding of the intricacies of the game, on Saturday I was assigned to the Blog. For those of you who, like me, are still somewhat confused as to what a Blog is supposed to be, it’s essentially a chronological presentation of the goings on of the day. Not the big goings on, mind you, but the little human interest stories without which the picture we paint in coverage would be incomplete. You don’t just want to know the Red Sox won the series: You want to know that Ricky Henderson called the day after looking for tickets, and when told there would be no game, asked, “Why not?”