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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 7: Adam Prosak vs. Doug Tice
Anand Khare

I held off for as long as I could, but covering one of Adam Prosak’s feature matches was an inevitability. Both of these players were running Titans, but Adam was the clear favorite due to his extensive experience in the matchup. Josh Wiitanen called out to the players as they were shuffling up, “We’re gonna need some Resolve over here, because we got stains at the feature match table.” Indeed.


Adam won the die roll and took the odd initiatives. He wasted no time in mulliganing his initial four cards. Doug chose to keep his hand. Adam kicked off the first turn by flipping Optitron, discarding Cassie Sandsmark to get Garth ◊ Tempest. Doug mirrored this play, flipping an Optitron of his own to trade Hank Hall ◊ Hawk for Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective.


Doug led off turn 2 with the Tim Drake he had just searched for, while Adam discarded Garth to his Optitron to get another copy of Garth. Doug attacked into Adam’s empty board and used Tamaran to get in another point of endurance.


Adam had the initiative on turn 3 and boosted Dawn Granger ◊ Dove to get Hawk. Both of his characters went to the front, and he passed the recruit. Doug recruited Beast Boy, and both of his characters went in the front row. Adam sent Hawk into Tim, and Doug had nothing to stop him. Adam passed his attacks, and Doug sent Beast Boy back into Dove with the help of Tamaran. Adam used Finishing Move to take out Tim Drake and that was the turn. 47–43 Doug.


Before he recruited anything on turn 4, Doug flipped and used USS Argus. He chose his card and then recruited Terra behind Beast Boy. Adam had a Terra of his own in front of his Dove. Hawk was set next to Dove in the back row. Doug declared a team-attack into Terra, and Adam used his own Terra to take down Beast Boy before the attack was legal. Doug used Terra on Hawk, and neither player had further attacks. Neither player lost any characters, and Doug maintained a slight endurance lead of 44–41.


Adam played the very predictable Garth on turn 5 and pushed all of his characters to the front. Doug had a Garth of his own and set him in the back row next to Beast Boy. Terra was left alone in the front row protecting Beast Boy. Adam went into the tank and eventually opted to send Terra and Hank into Garth. He played Teen Titans Go! after the attack was legal. Doug would have none of that—after using Tamaran on Garth, he used Terra on the attacking Hawk. Adam flipped and used a Tamaran of his own, then KO’d it to his newly-readied Terra to stun Beast Boy. He played a Savage Beatdown to ensure the double-stun. Doug used Garth to get Tim Drake back from his KO’d pile, and both characters stunned when the attack ended. Adam’s next attack sent his Garth into Doug’s Terra. Doug flipped another Tamaran, but it wasn’t enough to save the Terra. In any case, Adam had another Savage Beatdown. Adam closed out the turn by using his Garth to get back Finishing Move and exhausting Dove to KO Doug’s Garth. Adam now had an endurance lead of 32–23.


As turn 6 began, the players discussed possible plays. “I’ll be stunned if you play Koriand’r, I won’t lie,” said Adam. All three of his characters were in the front row—everyone got a good chuckle out of the pun. Eventually, Doug did indeed play Koriand’r. He left both Koriand’r and Terra in the front row. Adam used Optitron to fetch Red Star, and recruited him. “In the front row?” asked Doug. “Of course.” Adam used Red Star to burn Doug for 5, and then reconsidered his formation. He chose to move Dove behind Red Star, leaving his other characters in the front row, and then he passed to Doug’s attack. Doug quickly sent both of his characters into Adam’s Terra. Adam used Tamaran, and nothing of note was sent to his KO’d pile. Doug Tamaraned his own Terra, and Adam flipped Titans Tower. “I had to hope . . .” said Doug. Adam discarded another Red Star to the Tower, making his Terra 11 ATK—enough to take down Koriand’r. Doug played Teen Titans Go! before the stun and activated Koriand’r to stun Dove. Adam used Terra on his own stunned Dove to get rid of his Tamaran, and both Doug’s Koriand’r and Adam’s Terra stunned. Doug’s second attack brought Terra into Garth with a Savage Beatdown. Adam exhausted Garth for Finishing Move on Koriand’r, and another mutual stun occurred. Adam attacked back for the win.


After the match, Adam confirmed that Doug had played well. Odd initiatives are extremely important in this matchup, and Adam winning the die roll was a huge factor in his winning the game.


Adam Prosak wins!

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