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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 7 Roundup
Gary Wise

The top seven tables duel it out . . .

We’re getting down to the nitty-gritty here in Vegas, with fourteen players having earned one or fewer losses. Here’s a look at what happened at the top tables:

Table 1: Jeremy Borchardt vs. Tim Batow

In a match pitting the last two undefeated players against one another, Borchardt took Batow’s My Beloved down on turn 6. When asked what the key to the win was, he simply answered, “All of it!” Playing Medium Brotherhood, he advances to round 7 with a 7-0 record and a rather large target on his back.

Table 2: Joshua Wiitanen vs. Doug Tice

This one was virtually over before it started. While the game ended on turn 7 when Tice’s Batman, The Dark Knight hit play, it was Roy Harper Speedy that put the Cosmic Cops in the hurt locker. Wiiltanen, playing The Brave and the Bold, announced his love of the deck upon completing the game. Tice admitted, “I got destroyed. I just want to make sure everyone understands that.”

Table 3: David Frayer vs. Rylan Klatt

This one went seven turns also, but Klatt only had cards in his deck for the first 5. Batman The Dark Knight and Cosmic Radiation helped Klatt to draw his entire deck. Frayer’s Fantastic Four Burn deck just couldn’t keep up.

Table 4: Norman Perion vs. Brian Gates

In Gates words, Norman “just had a really crappy draw.” This match pitted the two big decks of the tournament, Cosmic Cops and Curve Sentinels, against one another. The Sentinels overran the opposition with a little help from Dave.

Table 5: Adam Prosak vs. Jack Garrett

Curve Sentinels wasn’t so lucky this time. Prosak’s Teen Titans were too quick for the machines, taking down Garrett on turn 6.

Table 6: Bam Bam Rich vs. Jesse Hill

Bam Bam’s impressive $10K run continued, with a questionable formation by Hill ultimately costing him the game. “If he’d set up right, we’d still be playing,” Rich said afterwards. “In the end, we both blew [all our resources] on one turn and I won.” Rich’s Curve Sentinels go to 6-1.

Table 7: Vidi Wijaya vs. Preston Chinn

It was another Curve Sentinel victory, this time over the uncanny X-Men. These two started late because of a deck check, but Vidi did the job quickly, finishing off Chinn on turn 6.

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