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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 10: Jeremy Borchardt vs. Rylan Klatt
Mike Rosenberg

Rylan started out with Alfred, while Jeremy began with nothing. By turn 3, Rylan had the upper hand with 2 GCPD Officers and Invisible Woman, the Invisible Girl. Jeremy finally got a character out—Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff. Pietro attacked a cop, and Rylan played Bat-Signal to fetch another character.

Jeremy recruited the small Mystique, while Rylan activated and replayed Alfred Pennyworth. He forgot to play a resource that turn. Mystique swung at Invisible Girl, but Rylan played A Child Named Valeria and reinforced. Quicksilver attempted an attack against Mr. Fantastic, and was pumped by Lost City and another Quicksilver from the hand. Rylan used Alfred again on turn 5 to get another Child. He then re-recruited Alfred and Barbara Gordon ◊ Oracle. Jeremy recruited Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr.Rylan team attacked Mystique after playing A Child Named Valeria, but Jeremy powered her up once. The little Magneto exhausted Oracle, and then declared an attack against one of Rylan’s characters. However, Rylan activated Cosmic Radiation to ready his field and activate Alfred, who got another Child. Jeremy, who couldn’t stun anything, swung at some of Rylan’s characters to deal some endurance loss.

Turn 6 saw the recruitment of Sabretooth, Feral Rage on Jeremy’s side, while Rylan Bat-Signaled a cop to fetch and recruit Harvey Bullock. Mystique attacked a character for 5 endurance after Rylan played another Child. Then Jeremy flipped and activated Genosha and sent Feral Rage at Mr. Fantastic, who was given a Savage Beatdown. The Beatdown was fizzled by Rylan, who used Press the Attack to ready the Invisible Girl behind Mr. Fantastic. Invisible Girl immediately reinforced him. Magneto finally dealt some damage for Jeremy that turn, and it was the only successful attack on his end.

Rylan entered turn 7 with the recruitment of two more cops, the use and recruitment of Alfred, and the payment to Oracle to draw a card. Rylan moved his entire field to the back, played A Child Named Valeria, and finally played Crowd Control to ensure he’d take no damage that turn from attacks. Jeremy recruited Pyro and passed. Rylan attempted a team attack on Mystique with Mr. Fantastic and Harvey Bullock, but Jeremy responded with Foiled, targeting Rylan’s Marvel Team-Up. Rylan used Press the Attack to ready Alfred, who promptly sought out a Fizzle to negate the Foiled. Pyro burned for 3 before the turn ended.

The final turn began with Jeremy recruiting Quicksilver, Speed Demon, KO’ing his older, smaller Quicksilver. Rylan recruited the expected Batman, The Dark Knight, who exhausted his back row in order to draw 9 cards. The card drawing continued after a few Cosmic Radiation activations, making Batman really large. Rylan gave Bats a Utility Belt before passing. Jeremy entered his attack step knowing he’d have to deal with a 33 ATK/33 DEF leviathan of a Dark Knight. He began by declaring a team attack against Batman with everything for a total of 31 damage. Jeremy then powered up and used two Avalon Space Station locations to increase the total of his team attack to 43 damage. Rylan flipped up . . . a GCPD Officer, then revealed his hand in concession.

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