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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 5: Antonino De Rosa vs. Andre Muller
Tim Willoughby

“Antonino’s definitely losing” —a quote straight from Mr. De Rosa himself.

Antonino De Rosa reached the Top 8 of PC: LA with X-Stall, and today he is doing pretty well with it again, having won all of his rounds going into round 5.

Antonino won the roll and took the odd initiative, and both players chose to keep their opening hands.

On turn 1, Antonino had nothing, while his opponent’s GCPD Officer attacked for 1. On turn 2, Andre played Bat-Signal for Alfred Pennyworth, in response to which Antonino Cerebro’d. Andre recruited the Alfred and GCPD, and attacked again.

On turn 3, Mr. Fantastic, Reed Richards came to town before Alfred fetched World’s Finest. Alfred came back, and Andre was done. Without any characters, Antonino took another 4 from the various characters that were filling out the German’s board.

On turn 4, Alfred fetched a Bat Signal, which was immediately played to fetch Barbara Gordon ◊ Oracle. Babs was immediately recruited, and the remaining resource points were spent on Alfred and drawing a card. Mr. Fantastic didn’t let Andre draw any more cards, but his position still looked pretty good.

Cerebro missed for Antonino, but he still had a Rogue, Power Absorption. She got her moment to attack but still only did a couple of points of damage. On turn 5, Cerebro hit for Jean Grey, Marvel Girl, and Antonino recruited Sunfire.

Andre’s build was a little more complicated, with a resource point being spent on drawing a card, and Mr. Fantastic again missing with his ability. Antonino responded to Invisible Woman, The Invisible Girl by activating Sunfire, discarding a Jean Grey, Marvel Girl to stun a GCPD Officer and Barbara Gordon ◊ Oracle. Invisible Woman, The Invisible Girl hit play, threatening A Child Named Valeria, one of the signature cards of the deck.

World’s Finest teamed up all of characters on Muller’s side of the board, and Andre proceeded to fetch A Child Named Valeria with Alfred before replaying him and a cop to protect him. Cosmic Radiation readied everyone on the German side of the board, and Alfred got to work again, fetching Utility Belt. The last point was spent on bringing him out again, but all was not over, as Invisible Woman, The Invisible Girl got a Utility Belt.

In the combat step, Rogue copied Sunfire’s ability and activated, only for the fresh new belt to get to work with some anti-Sunfire Spray. Antonino then discarded Mimic to an Avalon Space Station to fetch back Emma Frost and a Jean Grey, Marvel Girl.

Andre, with the initiative on turn 6, paid a point to draw a card, activated Mr. Fantastic, missing once more, and played Wyatt Wingfoot, Alfred (after he had bounced to fetch Cosmic Radiation), a couple of cops, and Ant Man.

Antonio, meanwhile, fetched back a Mimic with Avalon and activated Sunfire to try to stun lots of guys. A Child Named Valeria struck, and suddenly it was all about the attacks for him. He ran in with Mimic but was frustrated by Wyatt’s reinforcement ability.

Going into turn 7, Antonino suggested that if Andre showed him two copies of Fizzle then he would concede. The German had them, and it was all over.

Andre Muller wins. Antonino De Rosa’s skills would appear to stretch to precognition as well as Vs.

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