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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Semifinals: Philipp Rautenbach vs. Hans Joachim Hoeh
Jason Grabher-Meyer
Game One

Hoeh won the roll, and opted to take the initiative. Rautenbach opted to mulligan and Hoef followed suit.  Hoeh opened with Boliver Trask, while Rautenbach flipped Optitron and used it to fetch Terra. Boliver slapped for one endurance.  Rautenbach recruited Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective,and Hoeh matched him with Sentinel Mark III. Robin slammed Boliver and the Sentinel reinforced. 

Hoeh placed a copy of Boliver as a resource, but kept his hand on it and pulled it back a few times, making a face of mock-trepidation. The joke was lost on Rautenbach as he brewed over his own hand.  Hoeh recruited a Sentinel Mark II, Rautenbach recruited Hank Hall ◊ Hawk with boost to bring out Dove and pushed all his characters to the front row. Mark II attacked Hawk for the double stun and some breakthrough, Sentinel Mark III attacked Dove, and Dove exhausted in response to Finishing Move the Mark II. Robin then jumped Boliver (he really wanted that swanky suit) but was surprised by Boliver’s ability to grow claws and the know-how to use them. Not So Fast negated the Nasty Surprise though, and Robin made off with Boliver’s clothes. You would, too, if your millionaire guardian forced you to wear red and green spandex for the better part of your childhood.

Terra came up on Rautenbach’s side, and she hid behind Hawk as Robin sat next to him in the attack row. Hoeh recruited a Mark V and hid Boliver in the corner of an L formation. Robin attacked the Mark III, Terra stunned Boliver Trask via a USS Argus, and the Mark V stunned Hawk. Hoeh lost Boliver.

Hoeh used his five resource points from turn 5 to recruit Nimrod, and Rautenbach recruited Garth.  Nimrod swung on Terra but was driven off by Heroic Sacrifice. Mark V went after Terra as well, and Phillip powered her up.

“Oh. An evil plan,” commented Hoeh, who then powered up the Mark V to stun Terra anyway.

The Mark III attacked Tim Drake with a power-up and stunned him. Garth then smacked the living daylights out of it, dealing a whopping 9 endurance loss. Rautenbach used Garth’s effect to bring USS Argus back into his hand and recovered Terra, losing Hawk and Robin. Hoeh recovered his characters and lost nothing.

Rautenbach used the USS Argus as soon as he could on turn 6. He recruited Starfire and put all three of his characters in the back row. Hoeh recruited Boliver Trask and used him to search for another Sentinel Mark V, which he recruited with boost. 

Terra blew up the USS Argus to take down the Mark III. Starfire attacked Boliver Trask and pounded through 12 total endurance loss. Garth then took out the Sentinel that had been played without boost. Hoeh tried to save it with Acrobatic Dodge, but Not So Fast! put a stop to that plan. The Sentinel with boost stunned Terra and Nimrod attacked Garth. Rautenbach powered up Garth but Hoeh had a power up of his own waiting, so Rautenbach lost Terra while Hoeh lost Boliver and the Mark III.

Hoeh hit turn 7 in a big way, recruiting Magneto, Master of Magnetism. Rautenbach gave a bit of a wince but then seemed to go a bit into overdrive trying to play around the massive threat Hoeh had presented. He recruited Hawk and boosted to bring out Dove. Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal was the next recruit, and he immediately exhausted all four of his Titans (aside from Harper) to give the sniper +8 ATK. Roy took a shot and stunned one of the Mark Vs. He activated a Press the Attack on Roy, but Hoeh tried to Overload him. Another Press the Attack was chained and Roy sniped Nimrod, but that was it. Rautenbach admitted he had nothing after the spectacular play swept his board.

Game Win: Hans Joachim Hoeh

Game Two

Both players opted to keep their opening hands, and Robin swung directly on turn 2. USS Argus nabbed Rautenbach a Beast Boy to recruit on turn 3, but Hoeh again missed his drop. He looked dejectedly at his hand, slammed down Boliver Trask and loudly declared “Curve Sentinels!” in an attempt to compensate for his poor draws with lots of enthusiasm. He fished out a Mark V and resigned to watching Boliver get bum rushed by the scary green kid and the weirdo in the tights. That much he was expecting, but what he wasn’t expecting was Titans Tower on Robin for +6 ATK. With Hoeh’s early game in such bad shape, Rautenbach made no attempt to conceal that he was going for the fast win.

Both players recruited appropriate drops on the following turn. Rautenbach recruited Terra, while Hoeh recruited last turn’s Bolivered Mark V. Terra stunned Boliver with her effect to get rid of USS Argus, Sentinel Mark V attacked Robin but was stopped by Heroic Sacrifice, and Hoeh decided not to recover Boliver Trask.

Turn 5 began with Rautenbach flipping yet another USS Argus, and recruiting Hawk with boost. Hoeh made the one play Rautenbach did not want to see, sticking his drop with Nimrod. Beast Boy, Robin, Hawk, and Dove all team attacked Nimrod. Press the Attack readied Beast Boy before the attack resolved, Nimrod lost his counter and Rautenbach redirected his stun to Dove. Beast Boy then attacked the Sentinel Mark V with a power-up, compliments of Tamaran, placing him as an even match to the Sentinel’s 7 ATK/7 DEF. Hoeh attempted to Overload, but got walloped again by Not So Fast! Both characters were stunned, and Terra exhausted for Finishing Move on the Sentinel.

“ . . . Evil plan,” quipped Hoeh again as Rautenbach recovered Beast Boy.

Hoeh recruited Bastion and Rautenbach flipped and used two USS Argus in order to find himself a Roy Harper. Nimrod attempted to attack Terra, but before the attack was declared legal, Rautenbach pumped Roy Harper with Hawk and then stunned him with Terra’s effect to replace Argus. Beast Boy and Tim Drake pumped Roy Harper, and Roy took a shot at Nimrod.  Hoeh gave him a single power-up to put him out of Harper’s range.  Rautenbach looked at his cards and asked Hoeh if he had Magneto.  Hoeh flipped it over in his hand and Rautenbach conceded.

Match Win: Hans Joachim Hoeh

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