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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 3: Alex Brown vs. Lindsay Heming
Enchante Chang

Both Alex and Lindsay are from Sydney, which is the Vs. capital of Australia. Alex won the coin flip, and chose to go odds.

Turn 1 saw an exhausted Basilisk come into play for Alex, while Lindsay had Yellowjacket, Rita Demara. Since Basilisk was exhausted, Alex had to pass, and Lindsay swung in. 49–49 apiece.

On turn 2 Lindsay had Beetle, Armorsmith, who pitched Jolt to get Dallas Riordan, Mayoral Aide. Alex had Melissa Gold ◊ Songbird, Heroine Unbound, and formed his characters side by side in the support row. Lindsay swung Beetle into Songbird and Yellowjacket into Basilisk, and that was the turn. 46–46.

Alex took some time to think for turn 3, and finally recruited Natasha Romanoff ◊ Black Widow, Super Spy and Beast, Furry Blue Scientist. They were both set in the front row, with Songbird behind Beast. Lindsay also recruited two characters, in the form of Melissa Gold ◊ Screaming Mimi and
Dallas. Dallas was put into the hidden area. Super Spy and Beast team attacked into Beetle. Romanoff, being the super spy she is, chose Screaming Mimi to stun. Stolen Power zapped Romanoff, and then Songbird went to the dome. Before the turn ended, Dallas had a peek at the top of his deck. 36–44 to Alex.

On turn 4, Lindsay flipped down Stolen Power with the help of Songbird, and recruited every off-curve player’s favorite card. Heinrich Zemo ◊ Baron Zemo, Baron of Zeulniz was played in front of Mimi. Alex had Iron Man ◊ Cobalt Man, and set him behind Songbird. Beast was placed alongside him. With the help of Repulsor Ray,
Dallas took down Songbird, which let the Baron attack into Cobalt Man. Mimi then zapped Cobalt Man of his powers and made herself 5 ATK/4 DEF. The endurance scores were 31–38 in favor of Alex, but the board position was slowly turning towards Lindsay’s favor.

Turn 5 had Lindsay again flipping Stolen Power down, and then both of Alex’s characters came from his resource row. Rick Jones went to the front row with Beast, and Carol Danvers ◊ Warbird took the rear of Rick Jones. Songbird was set to the rear of Beast. Jolt was Lindsay’s only character, so he used his remaining resource point to take 3 off of Alex’s endurance total via Screaming Mimi. This brought the score to 31–35 before any attacks. After some thinking, Songbird decided that she wanted a piece of Jolt, and they both went down for the count. Carol and Beast joined forces to get rid of the evil Baron Zemo once and for all. Before anything happened, though, Lindsay made sure that Songbird was not readying this turn via Adhesive X. Mimi then absorbed Carol’s powers with the help of Stolen Power. The score was 23–29, still in favor of Alex.

On turn 6—just like in the comics—when Baron Zemo was killed, his son Helmut Zemo took the field and did what his father tried to do. Alex had Vision. Jolt attacked into Beast, who was reinforced by Vision. Helmut attacked Vision, and dealt 1 point of breakthrough endurance loss. Yet again, Mimi used Stolen Power to steal some power. The score was 17–21 going into what seemed to be the final turn, still in Alex’s favor.

Turn 7 saw Stolen Power being flipped down again. Kang, Lord of Limbo came into the fray, and Songbird hopped on a Thunder Jet. Everyone was in the front row except Songbird, who was behind Kang. Lindsay had Enchantress, and formed her and Mimi behind Jolt and Helmut. Combat started, and Alex chose Enchantress to move into the hidden area. Songbird attacked into Mimi, who was also exhausted because of the Thunder Jet. The attack caused a mutual stun and 2 breakthrough. Kang made his move on Jolt, which was exhausted to Win-Lose Deal, a desperate move from Lindsay. The end result was that Jolt stunned, and Lindsay was brought –2  endurance. There was nothing Lindsay could do, because Rick Jones was in the hidden area. Alex wins, even though Lindsay used Stolen Power four times!

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