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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Top 8 Player Profiles
Anand Khare
Name: Stephen Silverman
Age: 18
Occupation: Waiter and full-time student
What is your most impressive Vs. System finish to date? Won a PCQ
Why did you play the deck you did? It doesn't lose to anything except bad draws and random Doom matchups.
What is your favorite card from Green Lantern? Six-drop Sinestro . . . “WaLuigi”
Who do you think will win the tournament? If Craig beats the Doom deck, he'll win.

Name: Rich Brady
Age: 19, with a birthday today!
Occupation: Art student
What is your most impressive Vs. System finish to date? Top 24 at $10K New York
Why did you play the deck you did? I like Teen Titans, and not just in Vs.
What is your favorite card from Green Lantern? Dr. Light, Master of Holograms . . . until he gets errata. After that, Rain of Acorns.
Who do you think will win the tournament? If Craig beats Doom, he'll win; otherwise, Stephen will probably win.

Name: Craig Edwards
Age: 25
Occupation: Law Student
What is your most impressive Vs. System finish to date? Second at PC Indianapolis
Why did you play the deck you did? Because it's broken.
What is your favorite card from Green Lantern? Six-drop Sinestro. Dr. Light's good, but it's not really a fun card.
Who do you think will win the tournament? If I win the die roll in my Top 8 match, me.

Name: Sal D'Agostino
Age: 21
Occupation: Student
What is your most impressive Vs. System finish to date? Won a PCQ
Why did you play the deck you did? Because Sensei is broken. You can Gamma Bomb on turn 7 every time . . . I'd say I had the Bomb on turn 7 nine out of the ten matches I played yesterday.
What is your favorite card from Green Lantern? Anti-Monitor, Architect of Destruction
Who do you think will win the tournament? It's going to come down to the two Dr. Light decks. Steven probably has a better chance in the mirror.

Name: Ryan Lockard
Age: 24
Occupation: Crime Fighter
What is your most impressive Vs. System finish to date? 50th at PC Indianapolis
Why did you play the deck you did? Because people were going to try new cards and run suboptimal lists. In any untested format, The New Brotherhood has an advantage.
What is your favorite card from Green Lantern?Mouse Trap
Who do you think will win the tournament? Craig Edwards

Name: David Zemel
Age: 16
Occupation: Student
What is your most impressive Vs. System finish to date? Won a PCQ, 12th at $10K New Jersey
Why did you play the deck you did? Because I saw a lot of jank and we thought that with Foiled, Betrayal, and Terra, Teen Titans could handle it.
What is your favorite card from Green Lantern? Six-drop Sinestro
Who do you think will win the tournament? Craig Edwards

Name: Ryan Fee
Age: 16
Occupation: Student
What is your most impressive Vs. System finish to date? Won three PCQs
Why did you play the deck you did? We walked in and there was jank everywhere, so we decided on Titans.
What is your favorite card from Green Lantern? Six-drop Sinestro . . . “WaLuigi”
Who do you think will win the tournament? Let me flip to see which loop deck will win . . . (flips) . . . Craig Edwards. No, wait. Stephen. He has Dr. Doom.

Name: Roy St. Clair
Age: 18
Occupation: Cards.
What is your most impressive Vs. System finish to date? Second place at $10K New Jersey
Why did you play the deck you did? Because I was too tired to play a deck that required more thinking.
What is your favorite card from Green Lantern? Chopping Block
Who do you think will win the tournament? Stephen Silverman
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